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Feng Shui Q & A: Porches: Orienting the Bagua Map

Posted by on Apr 17, 2015 in Bagua, Q & A, Treasure Map | Comments Off on Feng Shui Q & A: Porches: Orienting the Bagua Map

Our friend June asks:

My house in Grenada has a covered verandah (porch) all the way around, 12 ft wide in the front, overlooking the sea & 6ft wide everywhere else.   Does this mean that each Bagua area will consist of a piece of verandah as well as the adjacent room?   The main house itself is under one rectangular roof & the verandah roof wraps around like a skirt & is attached to the walls of the house, slightly lower than the main roof.   I really would be very grateful for your advice.

Great question June!  The quick answer is YES it all counts! And it’s completely fine when Guas are both indoors and outdoors. Just draw your Map over the entire house including the verandahs. You may wish to enhance the interior more than the exterior, remembering that every inch ‘counts’ – so no clutter, and everything in good repair. 


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Community Love: Bagua Success!

Posted by on Apr 6, 2015 in Bagua, Community Voice, Essential Stories, Testimonials, Treasure Map | Comments Off on Community Love: Bagua Success!

Juicy gratitude from our friend Nicole, who found Bagua gems in The Western Guide to Feng Shui:


My boyfriend, step-children and I live together in a home we recently purchased.  We did some renovations but I always sensed there was something off.  It was kind of blah, and the amount of arguments and unhappiness in our home were growing rapidly. We’d never been the kind of people who fight all the time.  I did a study of the bagua map, but it didn’t dawn on me until a few weeks later that our love area was lying almost entirely outside the house!  I went to work immediately to make changes with landscaping and screening outside.  It was the side of our house where things like electrical meters were located.  I even found a rusty razor blade on top of the utility box. We also stored our garbage cans there.  This was less than one week ago.  I cannot even express how entirely different the mood is almost immediately.  I relocated furniture in that part of the house as well to a marked difference.  It’s truly amazing.  Even my partner remarked how great it looks and feels now.  From utilitarian to bamboo and palm like the beaches of Hawaii that we love so much.


Interested in learning more about the Bagua and sharing your own Feng Shui successes? Check out the Bagua Treasure Map Virtual Course!

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