The Tao of Lifestyle: Your Home Is Your Sanctuary
Comfort and safety are the guardians of your personal well-being. The high quality of materials doesn’t matter when they don’t feel good to you. Though you may encounter unsafe, uncomfortable conditions out in the world, your home is meant to be your sanctuary.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: It All Counts!
You know every possession you live with matters! It all counts, just like every one of your thoughts, words, and actions count. Treat the things in your storage areas with the same tender loving care as everything else, even when you think nobody sees them. You see them and you are not a nobody!
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Waves of Love
When you feel the continuum of love, you discover the Way isn’t just randomly dotted with the sacred; it’s infused with it.
Your true self lives in your heart – your heart lives in your body – your body lives in your home – your home lives in your community – your community lives in your country – your country lives on your planet, and out and out it goes. Just imagine your circle of belonging interconnecting with other circles, every heart open, every home, city, and country sending out and receiving resonant waves of love.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Belongings
Beloved belongings reflect and affirm who you are. They nurture your true self. There is a reason they are called belongings – you belong together.
Imagine having such a loving relationship with everything in your surroundings, a choir of harmonious voices all around you!
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Growing in the Mystery
You are learning that you are not here to do it all yourself. You are here to be the creative conduit of heaven and earth, as Chinese Medicine likes to say, and to blossom and grow in the great mystery of life. When you can feel the pure wonder of the inner and outer realms coursing together through your veins, you are in sync with the majesty of life. Deeply engaged, you become a cascade of gratitude, a font of appreciation for the majesty of life pouring through you.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: A Continuum of Love
When your environment reflects who you truly are, it completes the circle of the seen and unseen worlds.
Your environment becomes a continuum of love. Isn’t that wonderful!
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