The Tao of Lifestyle: Enjoying the Blessings
Life is so much more enjoyable when you focus on the blessings rather than the challenges. Every moment can be like improvisational theatre where you take great pleasure in observing or participating in each unique scene. People, places, things, and the spontaneous arrangement of words, patterns, colors, sounds, tastes, scents, and feelings portray Creation in constant motion. No two seconds are exactly alike. You can sit back and watch or jump in, whatever suits you in the moment.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: River Eden
River Eden Seeds of Transformation
Opportunities to dance with life are everywhere.
Nature is a feast of beauty pouring her magic into every moment of my life.
I open my heart with every breath I take, every move I make, and every person I meet.
I fully receive the joy inherent in every moment.
I embrace the fullness of my true nature.
I receive loving help from the unseen world.
My heart and mind, anima and animus, beloved and lover, are integrated within me.
My inner beloved is a constant presence within me, always reflected in the people and things that open me to the joys of life.
My inner beloved rides in on the pathways I’ve opened in my heart.
My inner beloved is one with me, transforming the archetypal union between heaven and earth into an intimate love affair.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: The Temple of Miracles
When heaven and earth become lovers within you, you see the world through their eyes – opportunities to dance with life are everywhere. People become welcome playmates and nature a feast of beauty pouring her magic into every moment. A feeling of openheartedness waltzes into every breath you take, every move you make, and every person you meet. Pleasure, once an occasional outer encounter, now flows steadily within you. Your ‘temple of miracles’ has opened to fully receive the joy inherent in every moment.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Honor, Celebrate, Cherish
Honor all of who you are. Live with what you love and let everything else continue its journey. Celebrate your passions and pleasures and give them places to thrive in the paradise of your own making. Cherish the sacred essence in everyone and everything.
You are here to experience a continuum of love as vast as you can imagine.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Return It To The Flow
Let go of the things you don’t resonate with and surround yourself with what comforts, pleases, and inspires you. Extend your practice of kindness to everything living with you. The kindest thing you can do is to let possessions you don’t love or need return to the flow. Honor and appreciate the contributions all things make in the world. Essentially, the coffee mug is no less sacred than your beloved painting; the oak chairs deserve to be treated with the same dignity as your lamps. If you don’t resonate with them, you kindly let them go so they may continue their journey.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Celebrating Uniqueness
There can be a hundred identically constructed homes and no two are alike because the occupants have their unique preferences and lifestyle requirements. When these are fully expressed and celebrated, they generate rhythmic washes of resonant energy, circling out as the continuum of love.
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