The Tao of Lifestyle: Dancing With Love
Dance lives in every cell of your body, innate rhythms all humans share. When love is dancing through you, you embody the choreography of your true self and gracefully move to the rhythm of your inner knowing and outer circumstances. Because they are always changing, you fluidly improvise. You know when to lead or follow, give or receive, speak or listen, depending on the moment. You glide and swirl, pause and turn, flowing in sync with the Way.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Treasure the Moment
Treasure the blessings inherent in every moment. Celebrate the ever-unfolding love affair between your spirit and flesh. Let your imagination soar, gather what was once unimaginable, and return ecstatic. Invite your creative genius to shape every moment. Be gracious to your body and offer her what she asks for – a walk in the sunshine, a rest in the middle of the day, a favorite flavor. Infuse being into doing. It’s more than taking the time to smell the roses; it’s taking the time to sink fully into the mystery of the roses, and all of life. Make this your daily practice. Your kind attendance to your inner and outer worlds – your whole being – restores your heart and calls forth the full expression of who you are.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Asking for Help
So much anxiety can come from thinking that you are alone and have to solve every challenge by yourself. The raw clench of anxiety, anger, or fear is meant to signal you to ask for help, not push you deeper into the dark maze of anguish. When you discern there is anything out of balance, turn within and ask for help. This is true for every kind of distress, from the smallest personal concerns to the greatest collective dilemmas.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Joy in Work
Work often has an active, laser-like quality that calls you to be productive and accomplish specific tasks requiring a focused output of energy. This can be full of the pleasures of manifestation and the fulfillment of completion. Because you are the steward of your own well-being, it is your quest to seek out and magnify the thread of joy in your work.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Rest as Sustenance
Your rest, sleep, and introspection sustain your tranquility. Here, you open up the space to commune with your inner helpers whose whispers can only be heard in silence. Your daydreams and night dreams are some of their gifts to you; numinous signs guiding you along the Way. Rest gives you time to lay in your own arms and feel who you are. When you rest, your connection with heaven and earth is restored and deepened so that your heart remains tranquil and open to the pleasures of your work and play.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: The Way of True Self
The Way of your true self is this: You are a temple of miracles, a living altar of soul and cells. As a lovechild of heaven and earth, you are angel and animal entwined, a creative genius illuminating cellular structure. When you look through the eyes of your true self, you see your flesh and spirit as equals, merging as creature and creator. Your body is heaven’s feet and your spirit, earth’s wings. Through you they express and embody the Way.
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