The Tao of Lifestyle: Transformation
Transforming your life begins with a shift in perception about yourself and your surroundings. It begins with imagining the whole environment, natural and human-made, as a continuum of love encompassing the entire planet and beyond, all of it as inspiring, healing, and blessed as the architecture and landscapes we call sacred sites.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Conversation with I Ching
Love lives here
In the embodying of kindness
Heart and mind as beloveds
Free the true self
Currents of pleasure and guidance
Become the dance
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Sinking Into the Mystery
Treasure the blessings inherent in every moment. Celebrate the ever-unfolding love affair between your spirit and flesh. Let your imagination soar, gather what was once unimaginable, and return ecstatic. Invite your creative genius to shape every moment. Be gracious to your body and offer her what she asks for – a walk in the sunshine, a rest in the middle of the day, a favorite flavor. Infuse being into doing. It’s more than taking the time to smell the roses; it’s taking the time to sink fully into the mystery of the roses, and all of life. Make this your daily practice. Your kind attendance to your inner and outer worlds – your whole being – restores your heart and calls forth the full expression of who you are.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Filling The Sanctuary
Reclaim the wings of your imagination and ride the currents of feeling into your inner world. The sanctuary of your heart isn’t so much thought as felt into being.
Fill it with love, love, and more love!
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Opening to Heaven and Earth
Let your heart breathe – it becomes more spacious with every breath you take. The radiant essences of heaven and earth are always streaming around you, and now you are learning how to open your inner gateways and invite them to flow into you. As you breathe, feel them flow into your body from above and below, merge in your heart, and expand out through every cell of your body and beyond.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Welcoming New Life
Kiss the past and let it go. You are breathing new life into your heart and it is warming and brightening. You have opened the door and strewn petals across the threshold. You’ve lit candles in all the windows.
You are restoring your inner abode to its original splendor, and it is beginning to take shape.
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