The Tao of Lifestyle: Loving Our Whole Selves
It is your true nature to appreciate your mind and heart, your body and spirit, animals and people, angels and atoms, everyone and everything, as essentially equal, all with their unique gifts to give. Your life transforms when you stop dissecting everything and labeling the pieces as more or less deserving of dignity and care. What a waste of time and energy that is, when you can simply cherish all of Creation as it is. The Way is inclusive, not exclusive. Your heart and mind are meant to be lovers, not enemies. Like heaven and earth, they wish only to live as equals in harmony within you. It is their kind wisdom together, the sublime flow of their discerning devotion, that creates the loving world where you, the true you, can thrive.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Tending Your Inner World
As you breathe life into your inner world, it takes on a vitality of its own. It breathes life into you. Tend to it and revel in all the details – the architecture, atmosphere, colors, fragrances, sounds, and textures – imagine them more and more into being. Be ever enchanted as you drink in the layers of astonishing beauty your choices create. They are solely and eternally yours.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Living With What You Love
Ideally, your environment contains the things you currently love. Treasure the belongings that hold wonderful memories and uplifting feelings in place and let go of what doesn’t. Let safety, comfort, and beauty be your guides. And know in your heart that your responses to the things in your surroundings can change as you evolve. What you love today, you may not love or have space for tomorrow. Feel the freedom in this. When you tune into the voices of your possessions you know whether they are affirming you, or not. The things “who” lend a beautiful voice to your environmental choir are welcome to stay. As time passes, certain members of your chorus fall out of harmony, a sign they are ready to move on. Bless them, thank them, and let them go. Can you feel what a difference this makes in the quality of your life
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Extraordinary Moments
Your true self knows no ordinary moments. Every one is extraordinary!
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Comfort and Safety
Imagine comfort as the mother, and safety, the father. Beauty is their precocious child. Safety steers you away from things with sharp corners or other dangerous features. He lights dark places so you can always find your way. Comfort embraces and nourishes you with favorite textures, colors, scents, flavors, and sounds. As discerning parents, they guide Beauty in making wise choices. A beautiful anything, whether it’s a chair, table, or bed, can only serve you well when it is also safe and comfortable.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: The Familial Way
The Way is familial not feudal. You realize how interdependent you are with all of Creation, offer your help whenever you can, and humbly ask for help when you need it. This is how the circle of loving kindness is sustained.
You must cultivate your relationship with (your unseen helpers). Sit quietly and ask them to join you in your inner sanctuary. Invite them in for tea. Ask for their assistance and support as you would your dear friends. Listen to them, let them inspire and delight you, and most of all… feel how much they love you.
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