The Tao of Lifestyle: The Kiss of Language
One of your most powerful tools is language. With it, you can kiss or kill your progress. Language is meant to express love, not destroy it. As you kiss with language, you speak a new reality into being. You find the benevolence of your chosen vocabulary is mirrored in your outer world and become enchanted by the sheer magnitude of kindness flowing into your everyday life. As you weave love, compassion, and kindness into the auditory fabric of your life, you experience them circling around and returning the kiss. You feel them brushing against your skin. Your thoughts and words are the portals through which heaven on earth manifests
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Tap the Well
Many people travel the globe in search of the harmonious energies found in certain special places. They seek to quench their thirst for heaven on earth by drinking from a rare font, when all the while a sacred well remains untapped at home.” She touches her heart with both hands. “It all begins with your openheartedness moving out through your body, your home, and beyond.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Seeds of Transformation
When love is dancing through you, you embody the choreography of your true self and gracefully move to the rhythm of your inner knowing and outer circumstances. Because they are always changing, you fluidly improvise. You know when to lead or follow, give or receive, speak or listen, depending on the moment. You glide and swirl, pause and turn, flowing in sync with the Way.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Our Native Language
As you remember your native tongue and become fluent in the language of kindness, your true self can fully emerge and enjoy life’s eternal improvisations.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Asking for Help
The most challenging time to ask for help is the first time. The next most difficult is the second time, and so on. Your trust in your inner helpers can only be built through familiarity and silence is where they reside. When you take the time to commune with them, you discover you are not ever alone. You surrender to the loving guidance they have always offered you. …Listen to them, let them inspire and delight you, and most of all, feel how much they love you.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: A Symphony of Blessings
Too much of anything is still too much. It compromises everything. When you let go of excessive possessions and focus on creating a good home for those things you love and wish to live with, your environment becomes a symphony of blessings.
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