Feng Shui Eyes Opened
Dear Terah,
You have impacted my life in a HUGE positive way! I have led what I consider a blessed life, but I truly feel like I am finally on the right path to genuine happiness. It may sound silly to some but I know you will totally get it! In fact I am crying while I am writing this because it is so powerful and I AM NOT A CRIER!
If you have a moment, I wanted to share with you some MAJOR revelations that I had when returning home. I know that sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.
Read MoreWestern Guide to Feng Shui Room by Room
Dear Terah,
I’m a friend and colleague of Mark, [from a local non-profit agency]. We are working on a project and I spent the last couple of weeks in San Diego. When telling Mark about my interest in learning more about Feng Shui, he enthusiastically shared your book with me. I was captivated!!! I immediately went to Barnes & Noble to buy my own copy (Room by Room version) and began devouring it on the plane home to Australia (I’m an American expat).
Read MoreBINGO Success Story
Just for fun I thought I’d share with you…yesterday I did some "Feng Shui" with intention.
Last night we girls went to Bingo (first time for all of us). Last game, last number in the black out…I won $100.00. Yes, I am excitedly grateful, but I knew I was going to win and because I did, it freaks me out!!!!
Life is good my friend.
L.Cameron, a Feng Shui Enthusiast
Read MoreFeng Shui Radio – Clearing Clutter
A huge part of Feng Shui is letting go of the old so that we can welcome in the new! Join Terah and Cathryn Golden, an Essential Feng Shui Practitioner as she goes through several steps to easily and clearly clear the clutter so that the Feng Shui can shine through!
Read MoreFeng Shui Radio – Messy Roommate
Join Terah Kathryn Collins and Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Ramona Field as they discuss Feng Shui. A certain question comes in about a certain messy roommate and what does Feng Shui have to say about that.
Read MoreThank you Terah
Dear Terah Kathryn,
I cannot begin to express how timely the receipt of your book was. I have recently been to Hoffman Quadrinity Process and WOW… it really spotlighted for me the clutter in my head = clutter in my home/office issue. I am – WAS! – burried in riff-raff and I am 100% committed to freeing the Ch’i!! it is trulya helping hand tohave your book supporting my efforts… Room by Room!! So, thank you so much; for the effort it must have taken to put your thoughts on paper for all of us to share your gifts and just for taking the time to send it to me!
Love and Light, V.H.
Read MoreThank you, V, glad to know that you’re moving forward happily with lots of Ch’i!