Magnetic North Pole shifting
I thought you might be interested in this article. It’s fascinating…and I had no clue! Wonder if that would effect the REAL directions for 9 Mansions for something place years ago.
Happy New Year to all!!!!!
Cathryn Golden
Magnetic North Pole Shifts, Forces Runway Closures at Florida Airport
The planet's Northern magnetic pole is drifting slowly but steadily towards Russia — and it's throwing off planes in Orlando.
Feng Shui and Technology
Culture on Demand: Bridging the Gap
Feng Shui and technology have more in common than meets the eye
July 14, 2000 – Web posted at 8:30 p.m. Hong Kong time, 8:30 a.m. EDT
I’m no expert on feng shui, or even technology, but I’m beginning to realize that there is a deep relationship between the ancient and organic form of organization associated with feng shui and the increasing need for organic systems in technology. Whoever can figure out how to make feng shui and technology mesh will really have something on their hands, and I want in before the IPO.
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Q & A – Correspondence Courses
Q. Do you offer any correspondence courses? If so, please provide more information. Thank you, Sandra
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We Built This SolarCity
Entrepreneur Lyndon Rive wants to solarize your house for a low, low price
Q & A – Lightbulbs
Q. In FS class in 2003 we learned not to use fluorescent light bulbs anywhere. Now it is considered environmentally friendly to use compact fluorescents. I would love to hear Terah’s opinion on whether to use the compact bulbs or not. Does she know any way to lessen the effect of the compact fluorescents? Kathy
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