A Feng Shui Introduction and Yin and Yang Meditation
Please enjoy the Audio lessons below!
Terah Kathryn Collins introduces you to the basics of Feng Shui
Yin and Yang as Romantic Partners and Yin and Yang Meditation
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Essential Feng Shui Tips: Living Rooms
Living Rooms
Feng Shui Definitions
Living rooms are usually the first room you see when you walk through the front door of a house. It’s meant for “living,” and symbolizes your public, social self. Display the art, colors, collections, and interests that you enjoy. Whether it’s Tiffany lamps, photographs, or handcrafted furniture, show your world who you are and what turns you on.
Read MoreEssential Feng Shui Tips: Storing the Technology
Locate televisions and stereos in furniture with doors so they can disappear from sight whenever you wish. This enhances the conversation, relaxation, and serenity in your home, and assures that you, not the equipment, are the master of the house.
Read MoreEssential Feng Shui Tips: Stashing the TV
One couple had decided that when their TV was not in plain view, they watched it less. For them, the best part was that the temptation to eat “in front of the tube” had greatly diminished. Now, instead of TV newscasters joining them every night for dinner, they joined each other to catch up on the day, and in doing so, they relaxed more and experienced indigestion less.
Read MoreVirtual Choir 2000 Voices Strong
You may have already seen Eric Whitacre and his virtual choir…. I'm very inspired by his work exemplifying our capacity to globally cocreate NOW! Enjoy!!
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