Essential Feng Shui Tips: Living Rooms
Living Rooms
Inner Feng Shui
Living rooms symbolize social interaction. Are you as friendly and kind to yourself as you are to your friends? Do you treat yourself like an honored guest—with kindness, love, and respect? Choose one of your best friends and focus your attention on that person for a few minutes. Consider the qualities that make up your friendship, and let your love and appreciation for this person well up inside you. Now, turn the tide, and give all that love and appreciation to yourself. Your health and happiness is enhanced when you love yourself as you do your best friend. Dr. Christiane Northrup, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, has a wonderful affirmation she recommends that we say at least twice a day: “I UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE MYSELF, JUST THE WAY I AM, RIGHT NOW.” Live with this attitude, and you’ll strengthen every part of your life.
Read MoreEssential Feng Shui Tips: Front Entrances
Inner Feng Shui: Front Entrances
Do you feel that you are open to receiving all the goodness life holds for you? Are your inner doors (your inner front entrances) open to welcoming happy, healthy relationships with yourself, your family, neighbors, co-workers, and friends? Affirm that only safe, loving, angelic people and experiences are attracted to your threshold. Breathe deeply and say “WITH JOY AND GRATITUDE, I WELCOME AN ABUNDANCE OF POSITIVE PEOPLE AND EXPERIENCES INTO MY LIFE, NOW AND ALWAYS.”
Essential Feng Shui Tips: Single Men’s Bedrooms
Inner Feng Shui
Are you absolutely positive you are ready for the perfect love partner to come into your life? Are you willing to change your life to include an intimate relationship? Align your inner beliefs and feelings so that you can trust and enjoy romantic happiness. Say affirmations such as “I ATTRACT A ROMANTIC PARTNER WHO MAKES MY LIFE BETTER AND MORE WONDERFUL IN EVERY WAY. IN LOVE, I AM FREE AND HAPPY.” Along with your affirmations, make a detailed list of the qualities you want in your lover. Read it daily and change it as much as you like.
Read MoreEssential Feng Shui Tips: Single Men’s Bedrooms
Feng Shui Definitions
These suggestions are for men who want to attract romance into their lives:
- Is your bedroom a multipurpose room where you work out, watch TV, surf the Net, write proposals, and (supposedly) rest? Although this arrangement may be practical, it is not the slightest bit romantic. To attract a partner, make room for romance. Put your active equipment, TV, and computer in other rooms. If any of these items need to stay in your bedroom, screen or cover them when they’re not in use. Let your bed command your bedroom, and keep your bed linens clean and welcoming.
- Check your art. Introduce artistic elements that suggest sensuality and serenity, and move “single guy” art such as cars, centerfolds, or basketball stars to another location.
Essential Feng Shui Tips: Single Women’s Bedrooms
Inner Feng Shui
Are you absolutely positive you deserve the perfect love partner? Do you believe that it’s possible to experience the romance of your dreams? Align your inner beliefs and feelings so that you know you can attract and enjoy romantic happiness. Post affirmations around your house that affirm your certainty and excitement about your upcoming romance, such as “I ATTRACT WILDLY SATISFYING AND JOYFUL ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS INTO MY LIFE,” or “I AM A MAGNIFICENT PERSON, AND I ATTRACT A HAPPY, HEALTHY, JOYFUL LOVER.” Along with your affirmations, make a detailed list of the qualities you want in your lover. Read your list daily and add to it as much as you like.
Read MoreEssential Feng Shui Tips: Single Women’s Bedrooms
Feng Shui Definitions
These suggestions are for single women who want romance in their lives:
- Stuffed animals and dolls on the bed “whisper” to a new lover that the bed is already taken. Make room for romance by giving them a home somewhere else.
- Romantic spontaneity is hampered by a wall of pillows on the bed. Cull the pillow herd, especially “fussy” pillows that need special care. Design a sensuous, unencumbered bed that you can fall into without a “single” care.
- Change art portraying companionless figures, solitary flowers, and other “onesome” subjects to “twosome” art: two people, animals, flowers, or two of anything that inspires you.
- Place pairs of items, such as candlesticks, vases, and books in the Love and Marriage area of your home and your bedroom (see Bagua Map).
- Act as if you already have a partner! Put inviting nightstands and lamps on both sides of your bed.
- Set the stage for receiving your new love by giving yourself the same loving care that you would a lover. Your loving relationship with yourself will strengthen your Ch’i and make you more attractive as a partner. Create a romantic atmosphere for yourself. Enjoy your own company, and find out what it’s like to really love you.