Q&A: Extreme Retreating
Q: I often do spiritual retreats in one room for several months (up to 1 year), not going out at all (the entrance door is strictly locked for that long time). Also, since this takes place in the high Himalayas, I cannot properly open the window in the middle of winter,
Read MoreQ&A: Career Gua Enhancement
Q: Hi Terah, Karen and Alumni, I am an alumni of the practitioner training and I did Feng Shui on a little cottage in the woods today, quite charming! The owner wants to put ENERGY into her career area, here’s the thing: the career area is at the top of the stairs with 3
Read MoreQ&A: Photos of the Deceased
Q: I have heard you are not suppose to put photos of deceased people on your wall. I have a collection of family photos some of which include deceased relatives and I would like to make a family photo wall. Can these photos be added to the wall and if not why not.
Read MoreQ & A: Home For Sale
Q: Besides decuttering, what are some of the things I should consider when preparing my house for sale?
A: Within the domain of Feng Shui’s art of space clearing and house blessing, a house for sale needs to be cleansed of the existing owners’ attachment to it. When we consider selling any home, we see a definite journey through distinct phases of letting go and
Read MoreFeng Shui Without a Home
We recently received this question from one of our alumni, and thought it was great information to share with the group:
“I would be so pleased to have your opinion upon this question; how does Feng Shui work for a homeless person? How can Feng Shui be applied to someone without their own space? And what does it mean not having a home?
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Front Doors – The Mouth of Ch’i
Recently I received this question from one of our students: If a client’s front door is in their Career gua, is a red door or a black door a better choice?
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