Feng Shui Q&A: Front Door Dilemma
Q: Hello! I love Terah Kathryn Collins book “The Western Guide to Feng Shui”! It has been a staple reference book on my shelf for over 10 years! I have followed the instructions and re-read the pages numerous times and have been very satisfied with the results! My current dilemma is …
Read MoreToo Much of an Element a good thing?
Q: Just in case I can’t tune in for the phone call tomorrow, I do have a question I’d like to have answered.
Read MoreQ & A: Feng Shui, Health and more
Q: Hi Terah,
I’ve been really focusing on feng shuing my health & wealth areas in my house for the past 1.5 months. I’ve had amazing results! I had not been able to lose weight due to my hypothyroidism until recently. I finally followed the pH miracle and managed to lose 14 lbs. since I started at the end of Sept. And more importantly, all my blood levels are normal now. I was really worried about my adrenal, liver, & thyroid.
Read MoreQ & A: Bagua by the Compass vs. Essential Feng Shui
Q: Hi Terah,
I just wondered if you would mind saying something about a Feng Shui dilemma I have. I have been mapping my house based on a compass and directions. When I map my house this way Fire is in the south and that is the front of my house. Then when I look at your Bagua, not based on compass direction but by putting the front of the house at the bottom of the map this flips the guas.
Read MoreQ & A: Sharing a hotel bedroom with Mother-in-Law
Q: Over Thanksgiving, there will be one night where my husband and I and my mother-in-law will be staying in a suite in a hotel. My mother in law (who I basically like very much) will have the bedroom, and my husband and I will be on the fold out couch in the living room.
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