Feng Shui Q & A: Hibiscus Plants-Good, or Bad?
Our friend Beverly asks:
If you love it, then it can only bring more love into your space. If you think that it will create something unpleasant, then it probably will. My Grandma LOVES Hibiscus plants and when she visits this part of the world, she can’t believe that they get as huge and as beautiful as they do. To her, they are wonderful. I like them as a greeter – HI-biscus!
Feng Shui Q & A: Red Envelopes
Our friend B.W. asks:
The red envelopes: No, we do not require that our practitioners use them. Some do use them. Some don’t. Both have great success, neither have experienced anything unpleasant; in other words, our practitioners and their clients get great results.
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Feng Shui Q & A: Porches: Orienting the Bagua Map
Our friend June asks:
My house in Grenada has a covered verandah (porch) all the way around, 12 ft wide in the front, overlooking the sea & 6ft wide everywhere else. Does this mean that each Bagua area will consist of a piece of verandah as well as the adjacent room? The main house itself is under one rectangular roof & the verandah roof wraps around like a skirt & is attached to the walls of the house, slightly lower than the main roof. I really would be very grateful for your advice.
Great question June! The quick answer is YES it all counts! And it’s completely fine when Guas are both indoors and outdoors. Just draw your Map over the entire house including the verandahs. You may wish to enhance the interior more than the exterior, remembering that every inch ‘counts’ – so no clutter, and everything in good repair.
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Feng Shui Q & A: Apartments: Orienting the Bagua Map
Our friend N.F. asks:
A client is moving into a new apartment where you enter the front door of her building and immediately go upstairs to her apartment. At the top of the steps, her apartment door is on the right. At which entrance do you apply the Bagua Map?
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Feng Shui Folly: Setting Boundaries Using Mirrors
Our friend T.K. asks: “I have a very hate filled neighbor next door. He has even threatened physical violence, although I don’t believe he would follow through. He is my husband’s brother, who we bought our land from. I am trying to figure out what Feng Shui cures I can use to stem the hostility. I am wondering about a concave bagua mirror facing in his direction over a window on the east side of my house. I know they usually go over the entrance door but that is not the direction he is from my home. I know they are very powerful and can backfire, causing increased hostility or harm to ourselves. Can you advise…should I just hang a regular mirror in a window facing his direction? I really could use your advice.”
Read MoreFeng Shui Q & A: Skylights
A Feng Shui friend asks:
Any suggestions regarding skylights and how to treat them? Are they considered “good” or “bad”?
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