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Q & A – Feng Shui a Home for Sale

Posted by on Dec 5, 2008 in Feng Shui Real Estate, Q & A | 1 comment

Q. We want to sell our house and I have done everything I can possibly think of (nothing behind doors, fresh flowers, cleaned and cleared everywhere). We have made a blessing for the house, said good bay to every room, brought in a moving box and a new “moving-angle” in the Helpful People and Travel gua, too. I have twisted my brain to see if there is more I can do and right now it seems as if we just have to wait… Do you have any ideas to more good Feng Shui I can do to speed up the process?
Thank you, Terese R.

A. Yes! It sounds like you’ve done quite a bit to prepare your house for their arrival, and you’ve done a great job. Now, let’s find a way that you can connect with them, the future resident of the home. In other words, you’ve already taken care of the Seen Environment, now let’s focus on the Unseen Environment. You have many choices inluding writing them a letter, welcoming them into the space. It might look something like this:

Thank you for your choice to continue caring for this home. We know that it will in turn take very good care of you and your family. We’ve spent many years here, and filled it with love for you. Within its walls, you’ll find comfort, safety, gratitude, laughter and deep connection. Although our needs have changed, this home is ready for you and everything you need it to be.

Our children have each grown up here, taken their first steps, celebrated numerous birthdays and run wild down the halls. Our pets have slept on the stairs, barked at the doorbell, and climbed through the windows. We have fought in the garage, danced in the living room, slept under the skylight and giggled in the closets. And these happinesses would not have been possible without the magnificence of all that this glorious home has to offer.

If I could speak for this house, I would tell you: Welcome. Welcome from the base boards and attic! Welcome from the windows to the fireplace! Welcome from the appliances to the crown moulding! Welcome all of you from all me! Welcome!

Many Blessings, Terese and the entire family

Of course, you’ll have your own words, and you may choose to write a letter or create a collage or do something else as a family. Sometimes, I’ve found that one of the kids isn’t ready to let go, and so he’s holding onto the house, preventing or delaying its release. Get everyone involved in doing something together – Something that can hold the complete tranformation as having already been completed.

Let us know how it goes and we look forward to seeing photos of your new home!

Liv Kellgren, WSFS Programs Director

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Death and Other Feng Shui Numbers

Posted by on Nov 26, 2008 in Q & A | Comments Off on Death and Other Feng Shui Numbers

Q. My address adds up to the number 4, and I’ve heard that’s bad luck. What’s up with that?

Casey, WA

A. In the chinese language, the word "four" is a homonym to the word "death".

My question to you is: Are you chinese or do you come from a chinese background? If so, this number will have a more profound space in your consciousness. If not, what is your heritage and are there significant meanings in numbers with your family? In the Native American culture, for example, the number 4 is incredibly powerful as it represents the four corners of the world, the four directions and the four gods that accompany one’s life journey. In my family, there’s a significance of the number 6: 6 brothers and sisters, 6 steps to the front door, everyone seems to have a 6 in their birthdays, address adds up to 6, we’re on car #6… you get the idea. So,  when we see a 6 in ANYTHING, we feel connected to each other and we’re reminded of our love for each other.

We’re in an interesting position these days, with all the overlapping of culture… be sure to choose the cultural aspects that resonate with you, and not neccesarily the the trendy ones or the ones that we’re told to believe.

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Q & A – Feng Shui and Windmills

Posted by on Nov 25, 2008 in Garden & Landscape, Q & A | Comments Off on Q & A – Feng Shui and Windmills

Q. There is a windmill on our property. Is that good Feng Shui?

Arie, New Zealand


A. Windmills – or any other extreme environmental feature – are great as long as they are in working order and in tip-top shape. Is this one is a tourist destination or just in the landscape as a point of interest? Is it pulling in water for your family to use? That sounds like good Feng Shui to me!

Make sure that it looks great from far and near. Fresh paint? Anything broken? Country charm or local eyesore?

If you or anyone else will be going to it on a regular basis, is it safe and secure? Is the pathway well-marked and clearly identified? Pay attention to the functional details, checking for safety and comfort and the Feng Shui of it should be just fine!

Liv Kellgren, WSFS Programs Director

P.S. Please be careful in labeling things as either "good" or "bad" Feng Shui. Instead, consider that there are ideal Feng Shui environments for us as individuals AND that what’s ideal for one person might not be ideal for another… That’s what keeps Feng Shui so interesting for us Practitioners – as soon as we think we’ve figured everything out and are able to easily and effectively apply the "rules", we meet someone whose needs remind us of the core guidelines:

1. Live With What You Love

2. Put Safety and Comfort First

3. Simplify and Organize

4. Express Yourself

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Q&A – Front Door Feng Shui Ch’i

Posted by on Nov 12, 2008 in Bagua, Q & A | Comments Off on Q&A – Front Door Feng Shui Ch’i

Q. Hi! I caught part of Terah’s show on Hay House internet radio recently, and immediately purchased Feng Shui for Prosperity. My home is very small, and a bit of a disaster despite numerous attempts to clear the clutter. I am an audio engineer and composer, but have been feeling totally uninspired to create, so it is my hope to get the energy in my home flowing correctly, and hopefully myself as well. I am really enjoying what I am learning in the book, and nearly finished reading (very excited to get moving on this!) and last night I created the bagua map of my home.

I understand including all structures of the home, including the porches and whatnot, but one question I have that I haven’t come across yet is that I rarely use the front door. I park in back, use the back entrance for coming and going, sit on the back porch, and when friends come over they use the back entry as well. So should I create my map as if the back door is actually the front, since that is my main entry?

Thanks for any info you can pass along. Oh, and loved the tips on the website about the cat box – excellent!

Kind Regards, Gwen S.

A. Gwen, It sounds like what you have is a neglected front door! This is your main mouth of chi and is ideally used each day to let in this BOUNTY of chi! You and your guests can continue to use the back entrance; however, the front entrance also needs some attention: Open the door first thing in the morning to say a prayer or intention for the day, leave it open in nice weather, encourage some guests to use the front, use the front yourself – even just one or two times per week. You’ll find that this new-found chi flow will bring in many new creative opportunities, abundance, and general flow!

Then, please align your Bagua Map with the front door and I’m sure that you’ll see many opportunities to enhance your guas accordingly.

Have Fun! Liv Kellgren, Programs Director, Western School of Feng Shui

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Q & A – Drumming the I Ching

Posted by on Sep 16, 2008 in I Ching, Q & A | Comments Off on Q & A – Drumming the I Ching

Q. My sister has a friend who told her that during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, the massive group of drummers were "drumming the I Ching". Have you heard of that? I thought it sounded fascinating!
Cathie N., WSFS Alumni

Thanks Cathie! We think it sounds fascinating, too. Has anyone else heard about this? Please let us know and we’ll post what we find out!



This is the link to the I-Ching drumming book with cd. It is located in the "Foundation" section of Angeles Arrien’s website, not in the "Products" section.

This link has simple steps to help people start drumming the I-Ching.



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IFSG and New Feng Shui Certification

Posted by on Aug 25, 2008 in Feng Shui Classes, Q & A | Comments Off on IFSG and New Feng Shui Certification

Q. I see that the International Feng Shui Guild is going to be giving some sort of a test to qualify Feng Shui practitioners as “Red Ribbon” practitioners. Can you give me any insights about that? I haven’t joined the Guild yet. What is the up side to joining?

Thank you, B.J. Gorman, WSFS Alumni Graduate Consultant, IL

A. IFSG has developed an Assessment for people who wish to be recognized as Red Ribbon Feng Shui Practitioners – which they receive after successfully completing the Assessment. This also makes them eligible to be listed on the IFSG website (and anywhere) as such. As one of the Assessment developers, I can say that the Assessment was cooperatively developed based on "Universal Topics" that all schools of Feng Shui share. It has taken over 2 years to complete and provides a baseline to measure a practitioner’s professional level of Feng Shui knowledge. The goal is to give Feng Shui practitioners a solid professional standing in the world. And please note: The Western School of Feng Shui Practitioner Training teaches all the information and knowledge necessary to successfully complete the Assessment questions!
Sending you Lovelovelove, and looking forward to seeing you in October!!

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