Alumni Book Recommendation
As I’ve been getting deeper and deeper into Feng Shui I’ve been seeking out the “classic” books to read, and finally came upon Between Heaven and Earth, by Beinfield & Korngold. That book really opened my eyes about the Five Elements, Chinese Medicine, the I Ching and so on — so I feel like I am right on your wavelength.
I will be very excited to get a look at your book when it comes out.
love, Ann Bingley Gallops, Alumni Consultant
Read MoreI Ching #50 – The Ting
A note from Terah:
The I Ching provides me with daily guidance, inspiration, and insights into maintaining my connection with Nature and the Cosmos. Here is a quote that I find particularly insightful from The I Ching written by Carol Anthony & Hanna Moog:
From Hexagram #50 – The Ting
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