Webinar: Essential Feng Shui for Love & Marriage
What does Essential Feng Shui® say about Love? What can we do to enhance it?! Join us as we continue our tour around the Bagua Map with Love & Marriage.
“Love is the recognition of complementarity.” – The I Ching.
We’ll reference the following handouts, and explain how to fill them out.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Asking for Help
So much anxiety can come from thinking that you are alone and have to solve every challenge by yourself. The raw clench of anxiety, anger, or fear is meant to signal you to ask for help, not push you deeper into the dark maze of anguish. When you discern there is anything out of balance, turn within and ask for help. This is true for every kind of distress, from the smallest personal concerns to the greatest collective dilemmas.
Read MoreThe Power of Yin
By Karen Abler-Carrasco
WSFS Mentor & Instructor
The Tao Teh Ching says,
“What is in the end to be shrunken,
Begins by being first stretched out.
What is in the end to be weakened,
Begins by being first made strong.
What is in the end to be thrown down,
Begins by being first set on high.
What is in the end to be despoiled,
Begins by being first richly endowed.
2015 – Year of the Yin Wood Sheep
By Karen Abler-Carrasco
WSFS Instructor and Mentor
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Webinar: Essential Feng Shui for Fame & Reputation
Terah reveals the many ways you can enhance your Fame & Reputation. Get ready to ignite your inner fire and illuminate your world!
TheBaguaMap – a PDF to print out
Read MoreEssential Feng Shui Tip: Abundance and Success
I Ching #55: Abundance. While the colletive ego would say, “abundance (in terms of possessions, power, etc.) is the measure of success,” we are guided to see that the words “abundance has success” refer to an attitude that leads to success. True modesty is the attitude that constantly draws the help of the Helpers. The consequence is the abundance of gifts the Helpers bring. Modesty occurs when a person recognizes the beneficial nature of the Cosmos, and the fact that all the gifts and blessings of his life come from that source.
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