Karen Carrasco at the Gathering Together
Karen Carrasco: Green Design & the Five Elements – A Match Made in Heaven
Karen Carrasco is a Western School of Feng Shui™ graduate, practitioner, and teacher. She brings to Feng Shui a lifetime of experience creating ecological homes, native plant gardens, organic farms and sustainable community among different cultures and lifestyles. Her passion is linking hearth and heart to Nature. Karen will share a model lecture that you can use to inspire your own communities with the green side of Feng Shui. If you survived the ecology-minded 70’s, or just read about them, ‘Back to Nature’ may still conjure images of unbleached, unscented dinginess, “stone-ground” tastelessness, stoic recycling duty and obligatory self-sacrifice. Certainly, even without the stereotypes, ‘going green’ could be seen as ‘going without’ many of the pleasures and conveniences of the modern world. In actuality, developing a more organic and sustainable lifestyle is moving to a deeper level of harmony. It is a refining and distilling process that produces greater clarity, profound serenity and sublime sensuality. It aligns us with our True Selves, as well as the loving embrace of Nature’s sustaining support and the generosity of Cosmic synchronicities.
Terah Kathryn Collins at the Gathering Together
Terah Kathryn Collins: The Three Sisters of the Tao© Bringing the Practical Wisdom of Chinese Medicine, I Ching and Feng Shui into your Life
Terah is the founder of the Western School of Feng Shui and the author of the Western Guide to Feng Shui book series. Terah will share her insights on The Three Sisters of the Tao, the title of her upcoming book exploring the essence of Feng Shui, the I Ching, and Chinese medicine.
Read MoreGathering Together Schedule 2008
We are so excited about the upcoming Gathering Together in October. Search "Gathering Together" for more details about our venue, presenters and other wonderful surprises!
Friday, October 10th:
2:00pm Doors Open
3:00-5:00pm Terah Kathryn Collins presents The Three Sisters of the Tao
5:00-6:30pm Cocktail Reception
Saturday, October 11th:
9:30-6:00pm Alumni Presenters
6:00-7:00pm Feng Shui Fashion Show
Sunday, October 12th:
9:30-6:00pm Alumni Presenters
7:00-10:00pm Dinner Party Celebration
Monday, October 13th:
9:00-12:00pm Alumni Presenters
12:00-1:00pm Closing Ceremony
Please visit www.wsfs.com/adv08/info for complete details! If you have any questions, please ask anytime 800-300-6785. We look forward to connecting with you and gathering together to celebrate our love for each other, nature and the cosmos.