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Webinar: Prosperity

Posted by on Nov 8, 2014 in Bagua, Ch'i, Clutter, Feng Shui Home Office, Garden & Landscape | 2 comments

Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance are all around us! Learn how Feng Shui can help you harness these energies throughout your home, your office and your life. 


“Be defined by your visions of your future, not by your memories of your past.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza


Download your own Bagua Treasure Map here.


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We’re Here To Do This!

Posted by on Sep 8, 2014 in Art, Garden & Landscape, Terah | 9 comments

by Terah Kathryn Collins, Founder Western School of Feng Shui

Greetings Co-Creators!flowers in boxes

I have recently returned from a 2-week romp through Brussels and Dublin with seven friends. The trip was born when my publisher and dear friend Louise Hay decided we must go and see the Flower Carpet, an extraordinary work of wonder that is created bi-annually in Brussels’ Grand Plaza. And then…. because we were so close….. she figured we’d head over to Dublin to drink Guinness ‘from the source.’

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Lost and Found

Posted by on Jul 22, 2014 in Ch'i, Clutter, Eliminating Clutter, Garden & Landscape, I Ching, Your Home | 3 comments

By Karen Abler-Carrasco, WSFS Instructor

“One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making new discoveries.” — A. A. Milne, from Winnie the Pooh

Or as Calvin, of the Calvin and Hobbes comic series says, “There’s treasure EVERYWHERE!” And haven’t we all had those delightful moments when we reach into the pocket of last year’s winter coat and find a stash of money, or those long-lost earrings.

My own home is a comfy blend of tidy and disordered, so I get the best of both worlds–reassuringly Known and the strange Unknown, side by side. And residing in the mystery of the Unknown are all of the leprechauns and fairies that steal and relocate my things. Those imps, what a teasing dance they lead me in sometimes– “now, where are those car keys?….I set them RIGHT HERE last night.”

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Q&A – Spiral Staircases

Posted by on Apr 8, 2014 in Ch'i, Five Elements, Garden & Landscape, Q & A, Your Home | Comments Off on Q&A – Spiral Staircases

Q: I have a spiral staircase and I don’t know what to do with it. I find that I’m avoiding going upstairs, afraid I’m going to fall through! Help!

A:  The downward moving “waterfall effect” of stairs is greatly amplified when those stairs are also spiraling down just as water does in a drain. Spiral staircases affect our sense of stability and safety, especially when there are no risers installed and the banister is open as well. The ch’i rushes down these stairs too forcefully, and there is a sense of danger in using them—are we going to fall through those openings in step and banister on the way up, or are we going to lose our footing on the way down?

Essential Feng Shui applies our balancing tools of The Five Elements  to remedy the situation.

(Download your full color FiveElementChart.)

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Walking Paths of Beauty

Posted by on Mar 11, 2014 in Ch'i, Garden & Landscape, Nature & Eco-Tips, Your Home | Comments Off on Walking Paths of Beauty

by Karen Abler Carrasco

It’s an excellent time to “Watch Your Step!” as we gallop into this Year of the Wood Horse, with the heady winds of personal and social transformation whirling all around us. We may have some daring new choices to make along our life’s path, or we may realize that we need some refinement or even a major redirecting of an old path. So it is a perfect time to look at the pathways to our homes’ front doors, where the main “mouth of ch’i” opens to welcome opportunity, abundance and love from far and near.


In Essential Feng Shui(r), we observe and listen closely for the metaphors speaking through the forms and structures that surround us. For example, is the path to your front door easy to find, wide enough to swing your arms, well-lit and safe by day or night, and beautified in some way? If so, this pathway brings grounded support for your life’s journey and any fresh experiences you may be considering.


On the other hand, does this path represent a “rough and rocky road,” an “uphill climb” or a “slippery slope?” If it is too narrow, or lined with prickly bushes or overgrown shrubs, it may be representing a life journey that is difficult, isolating or full of thorny problems and overwhelming work. Often a front entry offers only a cramped squeeze beside a driveway full of cars along a bland and neglected cement walk to a rarely used front door. Such a path symbolizes subservience to the all-important automobile door of the prominent garage. Sometimes there is no “people path” to a front door at all, which delivers the message “go around (or through the garage), this house does not welcome you.”


Over time our sense of belonging and ease of living erodes when there is either no clear path, or a neglected one, to our main entrances. Let’s get back on “Easy Street” with a lovely, clear and well-defined front pathway into our welcoming homes. Here are some suggestions for specific pathway improvements:

If your front entrance requires a walk along a driveway to get to the door, create a “people path” that is located and sized for a more comfortable stroll to the front door, away from the cars. If your front door is actually not visible from the front, or is very recessed on the property, entice visitors, and vital ch’i, to travel the distance, drawn by the sound of trickling water near the door, the notes of wind chimes, or the sight of bright movement with wind catchers and other decorations along the path. If your path is steep, either up or down to the door, create level “landing pads” along the way which allow rest, a sense of stable ground, and a view of something beautiful as a reward for the climb like seating, statuary, strikingly formed plants, lighting, or a grouping of brightly colored potted plants.


Enhance your home’s paths with safety, comfort and beauty and you will reassure the psyche, soothe the weary spirit, and delight the senses with creative inspiration. Your fortunes and outlook on life’s journey ahead will be vastly affected for the better. Pathway-dedicated phrases from the Navajo Blessingway come to mind–”Beauty before me, Beauty behind me, Beauty all around me. May we walk in Beauty.” And, in this extraordinary year of rapid change and new growth, may we all create safe footing on a more joyous, and ever more sacred journey into Love, Light and Laughter!


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Melinda Smith – WSFS Alumni, Author and Illuminary

Posted by on Nov 21, 2013 in Bagua, Five Elements, Garden & Landscape, Nature & Eco-Tips, Your Home | Comments Off on Melinda Smith – WSFS Alumni, Author and Illuminary

Melinda Smith, WSFS Graduate, Author and Illuminary, was featured in the Charlotte Home and Garden Magazine, Spring 2013 issue. Congratulations, Melinda!

She started Balance & Harmony 360², Inc. in 2003 with a mission to empower and educate individuals who are ready to transform their environments and lives based on focus, intention, and balance; changing the way people dream, plan, and do! Melinda has been helping organizations and individuals grow into excellence for over 18 years. She is one of the first in the nation to be a Certified Professional Organizer, and she is also a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui™.

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