Essential Feng Shui Tips: Cover Bathroom Drains
Begin by keeping the drains closed when not in use. Although especially important with the toilet because of its large opening, all drains can pull the Ch’i down to some extent. Close the sink, shower, and bathtub stoppers when you’re not using them, or cover them with small rubber mats.
Read MoreInner Work: Bathrooms
This inner work is about the draining and cleansing forces in your life. Sit quietly for a few minutes and ask if you are being environmentally, emotionally, mentally or spiritually drained in some way. If you are, it’s time to lift this downward pull on your vitality.
Read MoreFeng Shui Definitions: Bathrooms
The primary function of our bathrooms is to clean our bodies – inside and out – via the sink, shower, bathtub, and toilet. In Feng Shui, plumbing is considered a potential threat to the vital Ch’i circulating through the house. Just like water, Ch’i can be pulled down the drain. Although we’re grateful to have bathrooms so conveniently located in our homes,
Read MoreQ&A – Plumbing and Bathrooms
Q: Dear WSFS,
I delight in getting your email updates. Many thanks for sharing the info and letters. I have a quick question with regards to our little 1942 house. I’ve done extensive feng shui work throughout with great success, based in no small part on the work in Terah Kathryn Collin’s first book The Western Guide to Feng Shui. Thanks again! My question is …
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