Q & A Beyond The Bagua – Feng Shui Tools
Our friend M.C. asked us:
“Why do you use the standardized bagua vs. the compass school. I have tried both on my home with little improvement. I do it for other people’s homes and have success. Moving would be a hardship even though this place holds so much sorrow. I am about to give up.”
Thank you for asking this question. We’re so sorry to hear of your grief and sadness. Sorrow can run deep.
In Essential Feng Shui, we find that the Bagua Map is just one of many tools we use. Some structures really need help with their Bagua, whereas some structures or environments are more elementally imbalanced, others are struggling with blocked Ch’i and others still lack self-expression or intention. Ideally, an Essential Feng Shui environment touches upon all of these tools to find balance.
If the working with the Bagua isn’t making any desired changes in your space, then it sounds like you may have a different issue altogether – you may need to access these other tools to create balance. Are you familiar with the Five Elements? Are you surrounded by Clutter? For you personally, is there even one thing, place, color or a reminder of a happier time?
Where are you located? I bet there’s a local Practitioner who can help you, and if you don’t see someone close by, many of our practitioners can help you with a distance consultation. Your results can still be marvelous, uplifting and help support that happiness you so rightly deserve.
Best of luck – let us know what you find out!
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Essential Stories: A New Compass
Hello WSFS!
I’m happy to report that A. found a job! It came about through a series of “coincidences” shortly after we changed the photograph in the bathroom from the sailboat to the anchor, and installed the compass in the career area!
I initially thought it took longer than I expected but after talking with A. about how he found this job I came to realize that the process actually began right after we implemented the changes to the Career area.
Things had seemed to be going slowly after the Career area changes so I made additional tweaks in the Helpful People area (added the statue of an angel) and changed the color of a candle in the Prosperity area to purple. I also swapped out a plant for a fountain on a part of the balcony that sits in the Prosperity area.
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What’s Your Chinese Astrological Animal?
Ann Bingley Gallops
Open Spaces Feng Shui
You probably know your sign in Western astrology (I’m a Sagittarius), but do you know which is your Chinese Zodiac sign?The Chinese Zodiac uses your birth year to determine your primary astrological animal. Over the course of a 12 year-cycle, each year is represented by one of the animals the Buddha called to himself before he died, in the order in which they showed up.
Magnetic North Pole shifting
I thought you might be interested in this article. It’s fascinating…and I had no clue! Wonder if that would effect the REAL directions for 9 Mansions for something place years ago.
Happy New Year to all!!!!!
Cathryn Golden
Magnetic North Pole Shifts, Forces Runway Closures at Florida Airport
The planet's Northern magnetic pole is drifting slowly but steadily towards Russia — and it's throwing off planes in Orlando.
Q & A: Bagua by the Compass vs. Essential Feng Shui
Q: Hi Terah,
I just wondered if you would mind saying something about a Feng Shui dilemma I have. I have been mapping my house based on a compass and directions. When I map my house this way Fire is in the south and that is the front of my house. Then when I look at your Bagua, not based on compass direction but by putting the front of the house at the bottom of the map this flips the guas.
Read MoreQ & A – Feng Shui Directions
Q. I don’t recall using “best sleeping directions” in the practitioner training, but rather, we always try to place the bed so that the people in it have a view of the door to the room. How does the directional sleeping come into play? Does Terah (and other graduates) use that?
-Nancy, EFS Practitioner Alumni
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