Feng Shui for Economics
Worried About the Economic Downturn?
Prosperity Training Program to Help Business Executives Cope With Looming Economic Slide
Arlington, Washington – August 12, 2008
If economic uncertainties have you worried enough to try something new for your business, Polaris Business Guides LLC of Arlington, WA, has a suggestion.
"It’s possible to eliminate anxiety and establish patterns that promote an effortless flow of positive energies in the workplace using proven prosperity training techniques," says Guides co-founder Madeline C. Gerwick.
The company has announced an October 9 start-up date for its popular "Eight Keys to the Ultimately Prosperous Business," a seminar series that is taught by phone and supported by web-based materials. Over an eight-month period the program teaches participants how the "quantum physics of business" works.
Gerwick says the program includes powerful tools to create a thriving environment and maximize profitability. Participants utilize the subtle energies scientists tell us exist to expand consciousness and dramatically improve the quality of results achieved.
"As the financial cracks in the system become larger, it becomes more urgent for us to understand how our personal, business and national finances are created energetically first before they manifest in our bank accounts. Companies and individuals who don’t want to join the economic downturn are primary candidates for the training," she believes.
Covered in the course in separate 75- minute segments will be such topics as creating prosperity through collaboration, releasing blockages to success, the effects of subtle energy in the workplace and the alchemy of creating desired results. Also covered will be trusting the process of partnership, optimizing the office for ease and flow, wealth building for stakeholders and business timing for success.
In addition to the 75-minute individual classes there will also be 60-minute group coaching sessions each month. Set times for classes have been established but the company also offers custom classes at different times for corporate sponsors.
Digital phone recordings and computer replays will be available for each session.
Joining Gerwick in presenting the course will be Margaret M. Donahue, a business consultant, speaker, teacher and author whose 21 years in corporate America included a position as Vice President and General Manager for a subsidiary of American Express. A graduate of Georgetown University with an MBA from Boston University, she is the founder of Feng Shui Connections, is a co-founder of the Feng Shui & Intuitive Arts and a co-founder of Living Energy LLC. She is certified as a Building Biology Environmental Consultant, as a Prosperity Guide and as a facilitator of the Emotional Freedom & Healing technique.
Gerwick graduated with honors from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in economics and spent many years in industrial marketing and sales. An internationally recognized business/personal astrologer, writer and in-demand speaker, she hosts her own weekly radio show, Cosmic Connections with Madeline, as part of the Dr. Pat Show. She is author of The Good Timing Guide, an annual calendar guide that tracks and analyzes planetary cycles to help business executives, investors and others manage corporate and personal timing issues. And she is co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology, published by Penguin Group. She’s also a contributing author to the business anthology, Einstein’s Business: Engaging Soul, Imagination and Excellence in the Workplace, along with Oprah, Steven Covey, Scott Peck, Donald Trump and other well known contributors.
Additional information on the Eight Keys program can be found at polarisbusinessguides.com/classes/8keys.htm
Media Contact information: Madeline C. Gerwick Phone: 877.524.8300 Cell: 360.631.2630 email: mgb@polarisbusinessguides.com Website: www.polarisbusinessguides.com
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Feng Shui Radio – Graceful Lifestyles
Mary Dennis and Marge Richards discuss the philosophy behind Graceful Lifestyles. Shauna Piscitello, a Graceful Lifestyles Graduate, will be presenting at the October Gathering Together.
Read MoreReminder from Brian Collins
Hey guys and gals,
For most of you, it’s been a while since you attended our Practitioner Training, so in case you’ve forgotten (totally impossible, I know) here’s a little reminder on public speaking.
SPECS: that is, when you get up in front of a group, first Smile (it’s friendly, warm and welcoming); then Pause (only the rookie speakers rush); then make Eye Contact (with 2-3 people…2 seconds per person); and only then begin your Speech.
Your audience judges you in the first ten seconds, "should I listen to this person or not". Using SPECS gets you through that critical first ten seconds, and starts you on your way to a great presentation!
Have any questions…please call me at 800-SPOKESMAN.
Read MoreQ & A – Feng Shui Distance Training
Q: Hello there, As I live in Australia, is it possible to complete the Practitioner training via distance education? It would be terrific if it was!
Many thanks, Gabriele C.
A: Hello Gabriele,
Although we don’t right now have a distance practitioner training course, we are almost ready to release our first feng shui online class segment on the Bagua Map. It will be available to the public within the next couple weeks!!
Within the next year, we are planning to release other online segments as well, and these will culminate into an Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Training Certification.
And we’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready!
Liv Kellgren, Programs Director
How exciting Liv!
It seems like some of us will benefit from completing the on-line courses because as they are released, we’ll be able to spend good quality time with each component and by the end of it, still achieve a Practitioner Training Certification!! Yeah! It’ll probably also assist those who completed the Training in a short period of time and now would like to do a refresher.
I look forward to hearing from you when the Bagua Map Class is available.
Thank you for your good work.
YES! And we’ll still offer our Practitioner Training Immersion Program for those who would rather complete the training in a shorter period of time. We’ll be sure to keep you all posted as great opportunities arise for you! Liv
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Q & A – Men at Western School of Feng Shui?
Q: Is your school only for women? Are men included?
Herbert J.
A: Herbert, That’s a great question! It may seen like that as our students are primarily women, 92% to be exact. In each class of 15-21 we’ll average one male student ("average" meaning most often there will be one, in some classes there will be none, and rarely there will be two). Recently, our male students have been real estate agents, engineers, and architects. One male alumni from 2004 is now the co-host of a Feng Shui TV show in Spanish. His mother-in-law (also an alumni) is the other co-host and they are based in Texas. Another male alumni from 2001 worked in the corporate offices of a fast-food chain. He is the team leader for the design teams who open new branches. Another male alumni has partnered with his alumni wife and they are happy Essential Feng Shui practitioners in the mid-west. I could go on…
Interestingly, most of the male students who come through our Feng Shui Practitioner Training Program have a few traits in common: They have been in the military and are now passionate about Eastern Philosophy including all types of martial arts and the healing arts, such as chiropractic medicine, acupuncture, Reiki, Qi Gong, and of course Feng Shui.
Male or female, everyone who comes through our program does so for their own reasons: to become an Essential Feng Shui Practitioner, to combine Essential Feng Shui with their current profession (such as interior design, organizing, real estate, other healing modalities, etc.), to learn as much as possible so that they can Feng Shui their own home and the homes of their family and friends, and the list continues. If you’d like to connect with someone who has similar goals as you do, it would be a pleasure to introduce you to each other.
Please know that we have never excluded anyone from our programs based on sex, race, religion, politics or otherwise. We welcome with open arms people regardless of their past or present affilitations.
We look forward to supporting you on all your Feng Shui adventures! Liv Kellgren, WSFS Programs Director
Read MoreKaren Carrasco at the Gathering Together
Karen Carrasco: Green Design & the Five Elements – A Match Made in Heaven
Karen Carrasco is a Western School of Feng Shui™ graduate, practitioner, and teacher. She brings to Feng Shui a lifetime of experience creating ecological homes, native plant gardens, organic farms and sustainable community among different cultures and lifestyles. Her passion is linking hearth and heart to Nature. Karen will share a model lecture that you can use to inspire your own communities with the green side of Feng Shui. If you survived the ecology-minded 70’s, or just read about them, ‘Back to Nature’ may still conjure images of unbleached, unscented dinginess, “stone-ground” tastelessness, stoic recycling duty and obligatory self-sacrifice. Certainly, even without the stereotypes, ‘going green’ could be seen as ‘going without’ many of the pleasures and conveniences of the modern world. In actuality, developing a more organic and sustainable lifestyle is moving to a deeper level of harmony. It is a refining and distilling process that produces greater clarity, profound serenity and sublime sensuality. It aligns us with our True Selves, as well as the loving embrace of Nature’s sustaining support and the generosity of Cosmic synchronicities.