Online Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Certification Training
Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Training
Become a Certified Essential Feng Shui Practitioner
with our Personalized Self-paced Practitioner Training Course!
“I have never seen the many strands of Feng Shui woven together into a coherent whole, as it is done in the Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Training. The teaching material has an organic flow and instruction is done with a gentle touch and great respect for the practice, practitioner and clients. I’ve found the WSFS community to be welcoming, helpful and knowledgeable. This course has reinvigorated my own relationship to the Chi around me, and has inspired me to bring change through Feng Shui to those who seek it.”
~ J.K. – Budapest, Hungary
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Online Lectures + Personalized Support + Live Coaching Calls + Private Teacher/Student Forum + Professional Certification
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Register for the Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Training here
Read MoreSpace Clearing with the Five Elements
Space Clearing with the 5 Elements online course
Feeling stuck in your personal life, career, finances, relationships or health is an important sign. Unfortunately, most people try to change themselves, not recognizing the impact of the spaces where they live and work. These spaces hold energy, which can stagnate, impacting everyone in the home or building.
Clearing the stuck and stagnant energy from these spaces can allow the energy to balance and everyone in those spaces to move forward in their lives! Are you ready to move forward? Learn how to do Space Clearing for yourself and your clients! If you are already a Feng Shui practitioner, adding Space Clearing to your skill set can bring exponential change to your client’s lives.
Now, you can learn Space Clearing online, from the comfort of your own home. Learn at your own pace with the Western School of Feng Shui’s new online video training program, Space Clearing With the 5 Elements.
“The wisdom I absorbed from your offering was enormous. I believe ongoing knowledge of Feng Shui and all it’s attributes are vital for FSC’s and I really appreciate you making it so readily available.” – S. Gates
Feng Shui Space Clearing With the 5 Elements
Virtual Course
Click here for more information.
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Telesummit – The Less Traveled Path to Purpose
Would you like to make the next phase of your life your best ever?
Good. Because you’re invited to join me and twenty-one leading experts on “The Less Traveled Path to True Purpose” TeleSummit with your host Lora LeFhae beginning June 1st. We’ll be exploring the many ways you can embrace your unique purpose, express your authentic passion, and enjoy every moment of your life! When it’s my turn to present I’ll talk about the Tao of Lifestyle and how to sustain – or regain – a lifestyle that promotes your vitality, abundant resources, and happiness.
Here’s what you’ll receive from this transformational event:
- Discover what’s holding you back. Is your mindset keeping you from recognizing your heart’s desire?
- Find your “purpose statement” and how it can lead you to real fulfillment.
- Discern your powerful motivations. Are you focused only on external motivators?
- Map your desires, gifts and talents to discover your passion and purpose.
Here’s the best part, it’s totally free, so that means all you have to do to claim your spot is to register here. This is a one-time only event.
Register now to reserve your space.
If you are searching for clear direction, authentic passion, and more meaning in your life, this is your summit!
Read MoreWebinar: Essential Feng Shui for Love & Marriage
What does Essential Feng Shui® say about Love? What can we do to enhance it?! Join us as we continue our tour around the Bagua Map with Love & Marriage.
“Love is the recognition of complementarity.” – The I Ching.
We’ll reference the following handouts, and explain how to fill them out.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle®
In my book The Three Sisters of the Tao™
, I explore the fine art of creating a balanced lifestyle. Like everything else in life, there is no one lifestyle that is right for everyone. We each get to cultivate it from the inside, out! May this taste of The Three Sisters musings about the Tao of Lifestyle™ sweeten your Way….
Bon Appetite!
Terah Kathryn Collins
“Harmony is made from the threads of pleasure you weave into your everyday experiences. The more these threads intricately embellish the matrix of your daily life, the better. Your work, play, and rest are a trinity of influences that each contributes to the tapestry of your life. By honoring them as equals, you balance the synergy of your body and spirit, and restore the natural grace of being a human being.”
Read MoreWhat they say about the Prac Training
“My Feng Shui business is thriving, thanks to you lovely women.”
– Roberta G., GA
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