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Feng Shui & Guest Rooms

Posted by on Nov 21, 2008 in Career & Business, Feng Shui Bedroom, Feng Shui Home Office, Relationship Tips, Terah, Your Career | Comments Off on Feng Shui & Guest Rooms

Summer is the high season for traveling. Whether you‘re planning to be a guest or have guests, here are some Feng Shui tips to assure a “bon voyage.“

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Big Magic in Tiny Spaces

Posted by on Nov 11, 2008 in Career & Business, Your Career | 2 comments

I was a pre-op nurse, interviewing patients for surgery. The room that I worked from was no bigger than a closet. Having only 15-30 minutes to gather pertinent information, it was important for the patients to feel safe and comfortable upon entering the space; Hospitals can be so scary and impersonal.

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Western Guide to Feng Shui Room by Room

Posted by on Nov 5, 2008 in Career & Business, Testimonials | Comments Off on Western Guide to Feng Shui Room by Room

Dear Terah,

I’m a friend and colleague of Mark, [from a local non-profit agency]. We are working on a project and I spent the last couple of weeks in San Diego. When telling Mark about my interest in learning more about Feng Shui, he enthusiastically shared your book with me. I was captivated!!! I immediately went to Barnes & Noble to buy my own copy (Room by Room version) and began devouring it on the plane home to Australia (I’m an American expat).

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Feng Shui Radio – Commercial Buildings

Posted by on Sep 5, 2008 in Audio & Video, Career & Business | Comments Off on Feng Shui Radio – Commercial Buildings

Marge Richards is our guest today as we look at Feng Shui and Commercial Buildings for Real Estate, Remodeling, and Branding.

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Q & A – Colonic Therapy Office and Prosperity

Posted by on Aug 21, 2008 in Career & Business, Q & A | Comments Off on Q & A – Colonic Therapy Office and Prosperity

Q. I am considering renting a space to do a colon hydrotherapy business in the "prosperity" section of a large day spa establishment, but the owner (somewhat aware of feng shui) expressed concern that due to the nature of my business (flushing things down the drain!) it might not be the best thing for the health and properity of my business!

I disagree- colonics are about promoting balance and flow in people’s lives, and I think that any potential conflicts in the purpose/bagua can be offset with the use of some good feng shui strategy. Am I correct in my thinking, or does she have a valid concern?

I would greatly appreciate a response. Hope you are doing great! Leslie S. Arizona

A. Here’s my thoughts on your being in the spa’s Prosperity area. Feng Shui springs from Taoism, which observes that all things in Nature are equal, each with their own unique gifts to give. When a colonic area is set up to be aesthetically pleasing, clean, and fully functional, it is an equal member of the family of treatments that are available to the client. We can give more meaning to colonics by saying that they remove the old to make room for the new. This is a key in creating Prosperity – to remove anything old that blocks the full receiving of the new. Colonics are the archetype of this flow of energy.

I hope this helps. Please know that if the spa wishes to consult with a Feng Shui practitioner, we have an Essential Feng Shui Consultants Directory.
With Love and Blessings, Terah

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Candidate’s Office Feng Shui

Posted by on Aug 20, 2008 in Alumni Speak, Career & Business, Feng Shui for Health | Comments Off on Candidate’s Office Feng Shui

Candidates’ office chi
Do votes follow good feng shui?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

With a few simple changes in their Senate offices, both presidential candidates could improve their health and relationships and maybe even get a few more votes, says Taylor Vance, a feng shui consultant [and a Graduate/Consultant from the WSFS! Ed Note.].

John McCain’s Senate office is eclectic and cluttered.

Barack Obama’s is clean and modern.

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that examines how a person’s environment affects his life.

Modern feng shui practitioners focus on placing objects in locations that maximize chi, or energy.

“It’s really important to honor people’s style and their personal relationships,” Miss Vance says. “You can’t just pick a thing, put it there and say it’s feng shui.”

The first thing she would do to make Mr. McCain’s office more feng shui-friendly is get rid of the clutter.

“He’s barricaded in there with so many things,” Miss Vance says. “I got a feeling that he wasn’t really as available as he could be.”

Step two would be to unblock a set of large double doors. Doors are where energy enters and opportunities flow in, Miss Vance explains. However, these doors are unused and blocked by a plant and a chair.

“He may not be getting the advantage of all the opportunities that he might if he unbarricaded them,” she says.

However, Mr. McCain made a smart feng shui decision by putting his desk at the back of his office, giving him a long, expansive view that Miss Vance says will help him expand his thoughts.

And Mr. Obama?

Some may call his office decor minimalist. Miss Vance calls it accessible.

“It’s an uncomplicated image. What you see is what you get,” Miss Vance says.

What’s in the office is well-placed. To the left of the door, an area that represents knowledge, Mr. Obama has a photograph of former South African President Nelson Mandela and a portrait of former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

“That tells me he’s drawing on their wisdom,” Miss Vance says.

Yet Mr. Obama could enhance his office leadership by moving his desk so it doesn’t have a door behind it.

“Sometimes that can create a situation where you’re not as supported by the people in the office with you,” says Miss Vance, who recommends putting the desk in front of a solid wall.

There’s also one suggestion she thinks would benefit both candidates – adding a small fountain in the back left corner of their offices, the area that relates to money and opportunities.

“That would help bring in more campaign contributions,” Miss Vance says.

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