Jen Boyd – WSFS Marketing Rock Star
Jen Boyd Rock Star Small Business Marketing Consulting
Listen to the Jen Boyd Feng Shui Marketing Rock Star Interview below:
Are you passionate about being a Feng Shui consultant but …
Your business is suffering from lack of marketing know-how to generate leads, acquire and retain customers?
Read MoreFeng Shui Fem-preneurs
I was inspired this morning while reflecting on 3 separate conversations from yesterday. They both were business conversations that paralleled a common theme; that being the “challenges” of being a woman entrepreneur and the freedom to follow our life’s passions, of which we’ve unlocked somewhere between our 30-50’s.
Read MoreTrain in the Marketplace
One of the primary guidelines of Essential Feng Shui is that Everything is Changing. Here, you'll see that things have changed over time, and they'll continue to change moment by moment, depending on the transportation schedule.
Bringing the Office Home
One of the most popular trends these days in home design is the Home Office, and for good reason. Working from home eliminates the rush hour commute, gives you much more flexibility, and can save you significant amounts of time, money, and aggravation. For many people a year‘s worth of work-related expenses, including transportation, clothing, restaurants, rent, and childcare, far exceeds the cost of remodeling and furnishing a home office.
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