Terah Featured in the Holistic Career Summit!
Here’s Terah’s interview with Carolyn Cooper from the Holistic Career Summit!
Photo: RutaDonVasco
Read MoreThe Retail Recipe For Great Feng Shui

over fifteen years, I liken it to the favorite meal you create with just the right ingredients. When you know the recipe, you can make magic happen and in this case, an enchantingly irresistible retail atmosphere.
Feng Shui Q&A: Unexpected Changes- Career Gua
One of our Feng Shui friends asks:
After reading The Western Guide to Feng Shui I was so inspired, and wanted to improve the career area of my apartment. It turns out that my boyfriend lost his job and income, and is now blaming me and the Feng Shui, saying it did the total opposite for him and our family.
I would really appreciate if you can help us out to remedy this situation.
Thank you so much for your question!
Keep in mind that when done with intention, Essential Feng Shui works in mysterious ways, ultimately and always, transforming situations, events and people toward betterment.
So, of course it’s shocking and difficult for your family right now, and is he looking for another job? Your Feng Shui changes may have cleared the path for him to more fully live his purpose. Or, since you did the Feng Shui, it’s clearing a path for you to live YOUR purpose.
Have you also Feng Shui’d the Wealth & Prosperity area? and the Love & Relationship area? And all the others? Together, the guas support a life of happily ever after… even if the journey gets a little rocky along the way.
Hang in there. It’s all transforming…
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Telesummit – The Less Traveled Path to Purpose
Would you like to make the next phase of your life your best ever?
Good. Because you’re invited to join me and twenty-one leading experts on “The Less Traveled Path to True Purpose” TeleSummit with your host Lora LeFhae beginning June 1st. We’ll be exploring the many ways you can embrace your unique purpose, express your authentic passion, and enjoy every moment of your life! When it’s my turn to present I’ll talk about the Tao of Lifestyle and how to sustain – or regain – a lifestyle that promotes your vitality, abundant resources, and happiness.
Here’s what you’ll receive from this transformational event:
- Discover what’s holding you back. Is your mindset keeping you from recognizing your heart’s desire?
- Find your “purpose statement” and how it can lead you to real fulfillment.
- Discern your powerful motivations. Are you focused only on external motivators?
- Map your desires, gifts and talents to discover your passion and purpose.
Here’s the best part, it’s totally free, so that means all you have to do to claim your spot is to register here. This is a one-time only event.
Register now to reserve your space.
If you are searching for clear direction, authentic passion, and more meaning in your life, this is your summit!
Read MoreNarrative Space with Laura
My Personal Journey with Feng Shui & Narrative Space
by Laura Carillo, WSFS Graduate
I would like to share one of my personal experiences with Feng Shui. I had a long standing interest in Feng Shui; the art of placement and had been reading about it for years but couldn’t fathom how one could make a career out of it. I did play around with it and experiment with my environment using my home as a Feng Shui lab of sorts. For some reason, I have always had homes where my Prosperity gua was my bedroom and the Relationship gua would be in my living-room area and work space. For many years, I worked in some sort of outside sales with a home office. The home office was inevitably in my Relationship gua.
Read MoreEssential Feng Shui Tips: The Career Gua
The Bagua Map: The Career Gua
Enhance to:
- Clarify your purpose in life
- Encourage positive change in your current job or career
- Attract meaningful volunteer or community service work
- Strengthen the attribute of courage