Enhancing the Health and Family Gua
Enhance the Health and Family area of your home when:
· your health needs a boost.
· you are planning or recovering from a medical procedure.
· you are beginning or already participating in sports, dance, or exercise.
· you would like your social life and your “family of choice” to grow or improve.
· you would like your relationship with relatives to improve.
· you want to strengthen the attributes of honesty and forgiveness.
Outer enhancements related to Health and Family:
· Healthy plants with rounded leaves or a soft, graceful appearance
· Fresh flowers
· Dried and silk flowers and plants with a fresh, vibrant appearance
· Artwork depicting your concept of ideal health
· Posters and paintings of gardens and landscapes
· Floral prints and stripes, including linens, wallpaper, and upholstery
· Anything made from wood, such as tables, chairs, bowls, and vases
· Pillars, columns, and pedestals
· Photos of family and friends
· Blues and greens
· Quotes, sayings, and affirmations concerning honesty, and forgiveness
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Inner Work Related to Health and Family Gua
Key Word: Strength
The blessings of Health and Family are associated with the I Ching trigram Chen, translated as “Shocking Thunder.” Unexpected shocks or sudden unforeseen problems cycle through our lives like stormy weather. Just as we need our homes to be in good repair to weather a storm, we need to be in good repair ourselves. To do this, we need to cultivate the two vital attributes that strengthen physical vitality and emotional health: honesty and forgiveness.
Your ability to be completely honest maintains healthy boundaries—boundaries that include knowing when a meal, person, place, or situation is healthy for you or not. When you can respond honestly to life’s many temptations, you have the power to clearly say yes or no. Honesty demands that you give a truthful answer, then forgiveness directs you to let it go. Forgiveness is your ticket to staying in the power position of the present moment. Your sense of physical and emotional strength and well-being thrives on moving forward without heavy baggage. Honesty and forgiveness keep your vitality and your relationships strong. According to the I Ching, this assures good fortune and the strength to survive all challenges.
Assess your exercise, sleeping, and eating habits, and determine how well you are maintaining your body. Strengthen your physical and emotional health by sending family and friends loving thoughts every time you think of them. Be honest with yourself and others in a loving way. Forgive everyone you feel has ever harmed or hurt you. Let them go. Most important, forgive yourself. The past is over, and the present is a clean page ready to become your masterpiece. Affirm: “I am strong and vibrant in body, heart, mind, and spirit. I completely forgive myself and others for past occurrences, and send loving, healing thoughts to all my relations. I enjoy a healthy, honest, loving relationship with myself and every friend and family member.”
Read MoreRock Star Ann Bingley Gallops
Ann Bingley Gallops, owner of Open Spaces Feng Shui in Brooklyn New York, is an expert Feng Shui consultant, blogger and speaker. A Feng Shui consultation with Ann helps you get unstuck, create a positive environment where you can blossom and thrive, and attract abundance in every part of your life.
Click below for the audio Interview with Rock Star Ann Bingley Gallops: Feng Shui to help get pregnant, renters using Feng Shui to feel like homeowners, living in small spaces and unusual storage places:
Click below for Ann’s Essential Feng Shui consultation at Prevention Magazine:
Ann is the author of Map Your Space To Improve Your Life: A Guide To The Feng Shui Bagua. She practices Feng Shui with an MBA from Columbia University, a Practitioner’s Certificate from the Western School of Feng Shui, and Red Ribbon Professional membership in the International Feng Shui Guild.
Follow Ann on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, and on the Open Spaces Feng Shui blog.
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The foundation of Feng Shui is built on these three basic principles:
1. Everything is Alive with Ch’i.
When we see our world as made up of animate beings, we make decisions very differently than when we see it as a bunch of inanimate stuff…
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Art of all kinds, including paintings, sculptures, collages, and textiles, has a powerful effect on people. To enhance the Ch’i in your home, choose art that elicits positive feelings and in some way makes your heart sing. Your goal is to make sure that every piece of art in your home is one that you love.
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Because color is a very personal and powerful tool for enhancing the Ch’i in your home, make sure to surround yourself with the colors that feed and nurture you. New colors can be easily introduced via flowers, candles, fabrics, and other decor. However, to remove or replace paint, carpet, and upholstery colors in your home is usually a big job. You can’t just throw them off at the end of the day like a bright red shirt or yellow dress.
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