Q & A – Missing Upstairs Bagua
Q. If your ground floor has a screened patio, but there are no rooms in that area on the second floor, do you have to treat the second floor as having missing areas? If so, how?
A. This is FAQ that I address in all my books. The Bagua Map can only be missing areas on the main floor of your home, so you are NOT missing an area upstairs. Phew!
You may choose to read more about this in the Western Guide to Feng Shui, pgs. 61-75, or the Western Guide to Feng Shui, Room by Room, pgs. 23-40.
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Q & A: Bagua Outside Spaces
Q. We built an addition onto our house, and now we are missing part of the love & marriage corner and a big part of the wealth & prosperity corner. Since we are more busy and more broke than we have ever been, please let me know if you have any suggestions!
Thank you for your time,
Elizabeth C.
Q. Help… My house is missing its wealth and prosperity corner… it is outside the house. My house is a perfect rectangle but has a large “carport” type patio on the back for 2/3 of it. So, the patio would take up the l/m and the fame area but stops at the w/p area… it is just a mud swamp over there… eventually we will add on a perfect rectangle… but for now it is missing… please help me… what can I do for this? Thank you
Claudia L.
A. Dear Elizabeth & Claudia,
I find that it isn’t so much that the Bagua area is outdoors, it’s that the area isn’t well-defined. It lacks the pleasing physicality that attracts and contains the vital energy needed to nurture the area. So ladies, time to get out there and define the space! I share many ideas on how to do this in The
Western Guide to Feng Shui, Room by Room on page 32. For instance, a beautiful piece of garden statuary , bench, and/or large birdbath can be used to define the corner of the Wealth & Prosperity area. Add more visual appeal with accents such as potted plants, flower beds, or other plantings. Define the “floor” and make pathways with bark chips, mulch, or slate. .The Love and Marriage Bagua area is a great spot for “twosomes.” 2 chairs, 2 trees, a bench built for 2. Create a space that attracts you to it! Enhance these outdoor spaces so that they become wonderful visual and/or literal destinations. And please keep me posted on your results!
Q & A – Essential Feng Shui Bagua Map
Q: Many of the other Western schools do not include outdoor spaces within the indoor bagua…spaces like carports and front porches. Is there a specific explanation for outdoor spaces with the indoor bagua space? I may be mistaken, but it seems as though Essential Feng Shui is the only Western school that does this. Candy S., FL
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