Inner Feng Shui with Catherine H.
Catherine Hilker is a wonderful Feng Shui Consultant and we’re thrilled that she’s doing such great work in her community with her clients. She’s been making regular entires on a great post, and here’s one of her most recent posts.
Liv Kellgren, Programs Director, Western School of Feng Shui
Cultivating Inner Feng Shui by Catherine Hilker
In a past post, I wrote that inner feng shui (self) and outer feng shui (home) be in harmony. The goal being who we are on the inside is what is represented in our physical spaces. For example, in my life I strive to be grounded and centered. My space has earthy colors, organized storage, visual order and physical reminders to center myself (like an altar).
Another approach to inner feng shui, is embracing the inner bagua. In feng shui, the bagua is a holistic approach to living that asks us to symbolize very specific facets of our lives. The bagua covers 9 essential life arenas. They are: family, abundance, fame, relationships, creativity, helpful people, career/life path, and knowledge all grounded in health. The inner bagua approach is to cultivate all these areas in our lives. For example consider the following questions:
For Catherine’s entire article, please visit
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Creating a Personal Paradise Outdoors with Feng Shui
Feng Shui, the Chinese system of environmental placement, sees the world as completely alive with everything, including buildings, streets and property, interconnected in a dynamic relationship that affects everything we experience. Practicing Feng Shui outdoors nourishes the supply of Ch’i (vital energy) flowing around and into your home or workplace. This increase of vital Ch’i then nurtures and enhances important aspects of your life including your health, relationships, happiness, and prosperity.
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Q. Is there another way of learnign other than on-site in California? I live in Orlando, Florida and would like to study to be a practitioner. I have been reading alot and I favor the Western Feng Shui teachings. Thank you, Y. Cornelius
A. YES! We have just released our first Essential Feng Shui Online Course: The Bagua Map. This is a self-guided interactive course that can take from 3-20 hours, depending upon your dedication and zest for the material. Although it’s the same material presented during the Practitioner Training, there are more personal exercises that allow you to go deeper, really embracing the Bagua Map experience, its origins and how to apply the Bagua Map to any space, including your home and office.
Altogether, we are producing a series of 7 Essential Feng Shui modules, each focusing on a core Feng Shui principle. Each module will be available to all Feng Shui enthusiasts, regardless of past training or experience.
Available in 2009: Ch’I Flow & Ch’I Enhancements, Yin and Yang, The Five Elements
Available in 2010: Essential Feng Shui for Residences, Essential Feng Shui for Businesses, Essential Feng Shui for Landscapes
After you have “attended” each of these classes, you can become an Essential Feng Shui Practitioner via correspondence exercises, teleconferences and webinars to complete your training.
Please let us know if you’re interested in learning more about the program, or you can watch the introduction now at or order the course for a special $199 tuition before November 30th at The first 18 people to order the class receive a free 30-minute phone call with a Feng Shui Presenter!
Q&A – Front Door Feng Shui Ch’i
Q. Hi! I caught part of Terah’s show on Hay House internet radio recently, and immediately purchased Feng Shui for Prosperity. My home is very small, and a bit of a disaster despite numerous attempts to clear the clutter. I am an audio engineer and composer, but have been feeling totally uninspired to create, so it is my hope to get the energy in my home flowing correctly, and hopefully myself as well. I am really enjoying what I am learning in the book, and nearly finished reading (very excited to get moving on this!) and last night I created the bagua map of my home.
I understand including all structures of the home, including the porches and whatnot, but one question I have that I haven’t come across yet is that I rarely use the front door. I park in back, use the back entrance for coming and going, sit on the back porch, and when friends come over they use the back entry as well. So should I create my map as if the back door is actually the front, since that is my main entry?
Thanks for any info you can pass along. Oh, and loved the tips on the website about the cat box – excellent!
Kind Regards, Gwen S.
A. Gwen, It sounds like what you have is a neglected front door! This is your main mouth of chi and is ideally used each day to let in this BOUNTY of chi! You and your guests can continue to use the back entrance; however, the front entrance also needs some attention: Open the door first thing in the morning to say a prayer or intention for the day, leave it open in nice weather, encourage some guests to use the front, use the front yourself – even just one or two times per week. You’ll find that this new-found chi flow will bring in many new creative opportunities, abundance, and general flow!
Then, please align your Bagua Map with the front door and I’m sure that you’ll see many opportunities to enhance your guas accordingly.
Have Fun! Liv Kellgren, Programs Director, Western School of Feng Shui
Read MoreB.J. Gorman at the Gathering Together
B.J. Gorman: The Ch’i of Body and Place
B.J. is a professional Feng Shui consultant, teacher, lecturer and author of The Ch’i of Body of Place who has been assisting homeowners and businesses for over eleven years. She provides confidential Feng Shui consultations and Space Clearing services using her trademark Space Harmony Feng ShuiÔ approach. Our belief system lives in our energetic body and is reflected in our homes and offices. B.J. will discuss the connection between our religious and cultural beliefs, our chakras, and the Bagua Map, and show us how to “read” them in our bodies and environments.
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Q & A – Bagua & Colors
Q. Hi! I have a Bagua curiosity. Should one coordinate purely within the colors of the Bagua Map into the main floor? For example, my living room beautifully aligns with the Helpful People/Travel “gua”, but does it mean I need to decorate and colorize this space with whites, grays and blacks only? This seems silly. Or would it be enough to collect certain pieces in these colors? Always wanted to ask this question… Thank you! — Gina
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