Q & A: Ashes of Pets in Which Gua?
Q. I loved your book and am incorporating Feng Shui into my environment. My question is around the ashes of my dead pets: I have the ashes of two dogs and two cats here in my office in what I believe is the Knowledge and Self Cultivation area. Is my keeping the ashes creating negative energy?
Q & A: Bagua by the Compass vs. Essential Feng Shui
Q: Hi Terah,
I just wondered if you would mind saying something about a Feng Shui dilemma I have. I have been mapping my house based on a compass and directions. When I map my house this way Fire is in the south and that is the front of my house. Then when I look at your Bagua, not based on compass direction but by putting the front of the house at the bottom of the map this flips the guas.
Read MoreQ&A: Feng Shui for Shop Owner
Q: I recently did a Feng Shui consultation for a Consignment Store business. The store is in the helpful people gua of the bigger building, and you enter the actual store through the helpful people gua. The door is slanted across the corner, so that a small piece if the gua is missing. She has
Read MoreQ&A: Career Gua Enhancement
Q: Hi Terah, Karen and Alumni, I am an alumni of the practitioner training and I did Feng Shui on a little cottage in the woods today, quite charming! The owner wants to put ENERGY into her career area, here’s the thing: the career area is at the top of the stairs with 3
Read MoreFront Doors – The Mouth of Ch’i
Recently I received this question from one of our students: If a client’s front door is in their Career gua, is a red door or a black door a better choice?
Read MoreAnd In That Crooked House…
Sometimes it’s a challenge applying the Bagua and enhancing even our every-day spaces… but imagine giving a consultation in one of these topsy-turvy buildings!
Click either image to view even more wildness!

id=”” align=”alignright” width=”605″ caption=”Forest Spiral – Hundertwasser Building (Darmstadt, Germany)”
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