Space Clearing with the Five Elements
Space Clearing with the 5 Elements online course
Feeling stuck in your personal life, career, finances, relationships or health is an important sign. Unfortunately, most people try to change themselves, not recognizing the impact of the spaces where they live and work. These spaces hold energy, which can stagnate, impacting everyone in the home or building.
Clearing the stuck and stagnant energy from these spaces can allow the energy to balance and everyone in those spaces to move forward in their lives! Are you ready to move forward? Learn how to do Space Clearing for yourself and your clients! If you are already a Feng Shui practitioner, adding Space Clearing to your skill set can bring exponential change to your client’s lives.
Now, you can learn Space Clearing online, from the comfort of your own home. Learn at your own pace with the Western School of Feng Shui’s new online video training program, Space Clearing With the 5 Elements.
“The wisdom I absorbed from your offering was enormous. I believe ongoing knowledge of Feng Shui and all it’s attributes are vital for FSC’s and I really appreciate you making it so readily available.” – S. Gates
Feng Shui Space Clearing With the 5 Elements
Virtual Course
Click here for more information.
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Feng Shui Q & A: Outdoor Enhancements
A Feng Shui friend asks:
I recently read your post about entries to homes, and I have a question about a plant on the side of my home entrance:
It is located in the helpful people/travel corner of my property. The plant is not doing well, due to too-much-water from a sprinkler, and too much shade from the roof overhang. I’d like to replace this plant and would like to have something that remains green all year. Since I live in the Colorado mountain area, we get snow 5 months out of the year. I’d like to know what I can replace this plant with? One nursery suggested dogwood plant, that has leaves in the summer but just red stems in the winter. I thought of a water fountain, but during our cold winter, it wouldn’t be on or functioning. What would you suggest?
Thanks for the question!
So, how do you feel about statuary, garden art or another personalized feature?
As your main entrance, this is a great place for a “greeter.” A greeter is an object, item or scene that has personal meaning to you and your family – and it literally greets you every time you come home! This looks like a sweet spot for an outdoor mobile or other hanging object, a 4-5′ cement statue or birdbath, a wall-mounted mosaic or iron-made sculpture, a gazing ball or anything else your heart desires!
This tree wants to be happy, and it’s not happy where it’s living right now. Thank you for honoring its life. Hopefully, you’ll be able to relocate it elsewhere?
Please send us new pictures so that we can celebrate your Essential Feng Shui enhancements!
Read MoreFeng Shui Q & A: Laying the Bagua Map
Our friend Dawn asks:
I have just begun my Feng Shui journey with your book The Western Guide to Feng Shui and am Bagua mapping my home. I have my home all mapped out and have a glaring problem….possibly. It all depends on whether or not I include our screened porch or not. It juts out directly from the middle back of our home. If I include it, it means that it will be the Fame and Reputation part of my home and the Wealth and Prosperity and Love and Marriage parts on the main floor, upstairs, and in the basement will fall OUTSIDE of my home. The screened porch has a full roof and concrete floor so as I read your book it seems like I need to include it. If I leave it out, the rest of the house makes sense and maps very well. We use the porch in the Spring, Summer, and Fall (we live in Ohio so it’s too cold in the winter). I want to make sure I don’t mess everything up by doing this wrong! I surely don’t want to just to make it easier, but as I honestly look at this, I don’t know if the screened porch should be included, easy or not!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I would sincerely appreciate any and all help you could give me – even if it’s just a yes or no!
Read MoreFeng Shui Q&A: Balcony Remedies: Sharp Corners and Empty Space
Our friend E.P. asks:
I have a small balcony that falls within my Fame & Reputation area as well as in my Wealth & Prosperity area. Straight across from the balcony is another building’s corner, so fire cuts the wood element. I have to do something-the missing space and the chaotic emptiness is very annoying-it’s almost like anything can be dropped of a cliff. I’ve placed a plastic net on the metal border, and big ceramic pots without plants to bring the fire down. I’m thinking of hanging a beige fabric to cover the empty space and the corner across (and it won’t look dangerous) and two plants- preferably bamboo for better relationships- inside the fabric.
Could you please help me? I want to feel supported/covered/protected in that area.
Thanks E.P. for the question.
Yes, your idea to cover the balcony railing with cloth will give you the feeling of safety and inclusion that you’re hoping for. Can you hang your plants from the ceiling? or ask your upstairs neighbor if you can hang a plant or two from their railing? That would also soften your space tremendously.
Please send an after picture so that we can see how luscious your space is?!
Read MoreFeng Shui Q&A: Unexpected Changes- Career Gua
One of our Feng Shui friends asks:
After reading The Western Guide to Feng Shui I was so inspired, and wanted to improve the career area of my apartment. It turns out that my boyfriend lost his job and income, and is now blaming me and the Feng Shui, saying it did the total opposite for him and our family.
I would really appreciate if you can help us out to remedy this situation.
Thank you so much for your question!
Keep in mind that when done with intention, Essential Feng Shui works in mysterious ways, ultimately and always, transforming situations, events and people toward betterment.
So, of course it’s shocking and difficult for your family right now, and is he looking for another job? Your Feng Shui changes may have cleared the path for him to more fully live his purpose. Or, since you did the Feng Shui, it’s clearing a path for you to live YOUR purpose.
Have you also Feng Shui’d the Wealth & Prosperity area? and the Love & Relationship area? And all the others? Together, the guas support a life of happily ever after… even if the journey gets a little rocky along the way.
Hang in there. It’s all transforming…
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Q & A Beyond The Bagua – Feng Shui Tools
Our friend M.C. asked us:
“Why do you use the standardized bagua vs. the compass school. I have tried both on my home with little improvement. I do it for other people’s homes and have success. Moving would be a hardship even though this place holds so much sorrow. I am about to give up.”
Thank you for asking this question. We’re so sorry to hear of your grief and sadness. Sorrow can run deep.
In Essential Feng Shui, we find that the Bagua Map is just one of many tools we use. Some structures really need help with their Bagua, whereas some structures or environments are more elementally imbalanced, others are struggling with blocked Ch’i and others still lack self-expression or intention. Ideally, an Essential Feng Shui environment touches upon all of these tools to find balance.
If the working with the Bagua isn’t making any desired changes in your space, then it sounds like you may have a different issue altogether – you may need to access these other tools to create balance. Are you familiar with the Five Elements? Are you surrounded by Clutter? For you personally, is there even one thing, place, color or a reminder of a happier time?
Where are you located? I bet there’s a local Practitioner who can help you, and if you don’t see someone close by, many of our practitioners can help you with a distance consultation. Your results can still be marvelous, uplifting and help support that happiness you so rightly deserve.
Best of luck – let us know what you find out!
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