Remembering Evana Maggiore
After attending our very first EFS Practitioner Training in 1996, Evana went on to create Fashion Feng Shui®, integrating the Five elements with fashion and personal development. She was a brilliant teacher who loved helping people step fully into their true beauty.
I will always remember watching Evana work with a woman who was ‘hiding in Earth brown’ when she belonged in Fire clothing. Over lunch, the woman went shopping, ditched her baggy brown shirt, and came back wearing a shapely V-neck blouse in a variety of red tones. The difference in her appearance startled the whole class. We felt like we were able to SEE her for the first time! Evana’s classes were full of moments like that. I’m so glad to know her work is being continued at http://www.fashionfengshui.
A few days before Evana passed, I watched a sunset and deeply felt her presence there. The champagne sky carried her celestial essence as the sun wove innumerable rays of silver light through the pale clouds. “Evana’s spirit is like champagne,” I mused. “Effervescent, ethereal, and a true celebration of life!”
Here’s to you, my beautiful friend. I shall toast to you and all that you so generously gave to this world… Thank you Evana, you live in my Heart….
Nine Solstice Gifts
By Tess Whitehurst
WSFS Alumna
Happy Solstice! I feel so much love and gratitude for all the amazing blessings in my life, including YOU. Today, it is my intention to pass along nine divinely designed Solstice gifts to you, all of which will help pave the way to beauty and harmony.
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