Radio Show – Three Sisters of the Tao
Terah Kathryn Collins, best-selling author and originator of Essential Feng Shui, joins ZOOM’D to discuss her recent inspirational book, The Three Sisters of the Tao: Essential Conversations with Chinese Medicine, I Ching, and Feng Shui, and to provide insights into creating and sustaining a fulfilling heart-centered life.
Read MoreGood Feng Shui & Your Creative Spirit
My inner child is giddy with delight. “Look at what I made!” I am taking the time these days to make art, dive into the mystery of my inner space, and take a good look around. I relax and surrender into the arms of synchronicity, feel the resonance with certain colors and images that guide me, and let my creativity have its way with me.
Read MoreQ & A – Health Challenges & Clutter
Q: Dear Terah,
I have had your book “Room by Room” for years but have not (until now) had the drive to get serious about Feng Shui. Or maybe I should say “get playful” about it! I’m already way to serious! I have a question about using Essential Feng Shui to help me with a chronic health problem.
Read MoreFeng Shui and Addictions, part 1
Dear Liv,
I really enjoyed our conversation about feng shui and addictions… I loved thinking about how a person can use their environment to support getting off an addicition, like to change their seat from where they sat when they drank/overate, etc and get new chairs; walk down a different street.
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