Feng Shui Cow Art
A few weeks ago I had a very fun Feng Shui consultation. Because it was the home as well as the office and studio, we did the consultation on each room of the house and all three who lived and worked there walked the consultation with me.
Read MoreFeng Shui Garden in Saskatoon
From Alumna Bridget Saraka: These photos are of our beautiful tranquil garden which we started in the spring of 2009 and completed in August of the same year for our Daughters wedding. It is a forever the inspiration of my creativity and brings be many hours of communion with my Grandfather who inspired my love for gardening and all things creative. This is my outside office which inspires my feng shui creativity.
Read MoreFeng Shui House for Sale
Hi Terah – Any suggestions to help sell this house, or to attract buyers?
The house has 3 bedrooms on the main floor — two are offices. Everyone window has a view .. either of Lake Okanagan in British Columbia; or the front yard looking up our driveway … to another road that also goes up a hill. So we are at the bottom of a steep driveway…
Read MoreFeng Shui House Plans
Q: Hi Terah,
I am submitting my questions and project. I’ve included a photo of the building plan. The original house is the carport, garage three bedrooms on left side and half of the living area. We are adding more living space, bigger kitchen, pool, separate guest suite, more storage, master suite and utility as well as “tower room” entry from carport. More storage is needed due to husband’s massive record collection and that he is a packrat. My question is – What are the best Feng Shui cures to incorporate as we build?
Read MoreFeng Shui as a Cure for Nightmares?
Q: Good Morning Terah, my daughter feels that one of the boys has nightmares and his bed is the one next to closet door (picture # 3). I thought he has a lot of “poison arrows” at him – more so than the other baby.
Would you have any suggestions?
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