Fire & Metal Home to Balance Elementally
From a WSFS Student: Terah, Would love your feedback. These are my suggestions for Elementally balancing this potential rental for a client of mine.
Read MoreQ&A – Teen Room in Wealth & Prosperity
Q: Terah, My teenage son’s bedroom is a complete disaster! It is also located in the Wealth area of the house. He doesn’t want to comply with my decorating requests (he is 16 and very strong minded). Is there anything that I can do to enhance this area of my home and open the way for more prosperity? Thanks, K.S. – via e-mail
Read MoreQ & A: Infinity Pools – And Beyond!
Hello Karen,
I have a question that is boggling my mind, and I would really appreciate your thoughts. I have a client who’s home is built on a hill. They are at the bottom of a T-junction. The street Ch’i flows right through the clear plate glass front door and out the back plate glass window, down a ten-foot drop and into the ginormous infinity edge swimming pool that just seems to drop off the edge of the property and go down the hill. From a feng shui stand point I would be trying to create a barrier and horizontal/vertical lines to redirect and balance the flow of chi…
Turning Your Home from Chaos City to a Personal Paradise
Alumna Article by Maria McCullough
Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth and moving forward. This is a perfect time to revitalize your home environment by decluttering the stagnant energy.
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