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Clutter… it’s the stuff that we swear “mates in the night” and multiplies until we are surrounded by it. It can accumulate at an alarming rate just about anywhere, though it often breeds in closets and storage areas. And like it or not, we can feel the congestion that clutter causes in our surroundings every bit as much as we can feel a bad head cold – or worse – in our bodies.
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Feng Shui, the study of how to arrange your environment to enhance your life, observes that gardens do much more than beautify your home. Gardens promote your health and well being by inviting the healing energy of Nature into your personal space. Here are 9 garden Feng Shui tips to keep in mind as you create your own outdoor paradise:
Read MoreRomancing The Bedroom: Six Ways to Spice Up Your Love Life
Terah Kathryn Collins is a best-selling author and the founder of the Western School of Feng Shui®. She is also the originator of Essential Feng Shui®, which focuses on the many valuable applications Feng Shui has in our Western culture while honoring the essence of its Eastern heritage.
Her 6 inspirational books on the subject have sold over a million copies worldwide. Terah’s latest book, Western Guide to Feng Shui for Romance is now available.
Essential Feng Shui® observes that your master bedroom holds your rest, rejuvenation, and romance in place.
Encourage Relaxation – Let the bed rule the room. Make your bed the king or queen so that the only thing to “do” in the bedroom is relax and connect with your partner.Ideally, everything about your bedroom, from the bed to the soft lighting and quiet atmosphere, offers a restful haven for your body, mind, and spirit. Large master bedroom suites often include space for additional lounging areas.A chaise lounge by a window, two upholstered chairs beside a fireplace, or a cozy reading nook can enhance your bedroom’s tranquil mood. Call-to-action items such as computers, televisions, and exercise equipment are not invited into the bedroom, as they break the mood. Anything that inhibits total unplugging from worldly activities belongs elsewhere.
Improve Sleep – Treat mirrors like windows.The same mirrors that brighten a master bedroom during the day may interfere with getting a good night’s sleep.The bigger the mirror and the closer it is to the bed, the more it has a “wide open window” effect that can cause restlessness and insomnia. Because removing mirrored closet doors is often impractical or undesirable, it can be curtained like a window, while a bureau mirror may be draped at night.
Enhance Romance – Move everyone else out. As important as photographs of the kids, friends, and family are, they don’t belong near the bed. All those eyes watching from bureaus and nightstands can destroy the romantic mood. Art depicting people can be just as disconcerting near the bed.Assure a complete sense of privacy by displaying art and photos of people elsewhere, and choose serene or sensual art for your bedroom.
Cultivate Sensuality – Make your bedroom magnificent. The master bedroom is the place for romantic lighting and music, sensual fabrics, and favorite fragrances. Skin positively glows against the many delicious colors found in drinks and desserts like brandy, chocolate, caramel, champagne, cinnamon, mocha, peaches, raspberries, and vanilla. Cool colors like pure white, black, gray, and some blues and greens are best used only as accents in your bedroom.
Honor Balance – Let equality prevail. A master bedroom typically has two masters. To symbolize a couple’s equality, it’s ideal to have bedside lighting and furnishings that are equal. They don’t have to be identical, simply equal in size and quality. When space is limited, scale down the furniture and lighting on both sides of the bed accordingly.
Invite Harmony – Create a great view.What a couple sees from the bed symbolizes the harmony—or lack thereof—in their relationship. Couples who share the same beautiful view from the bed also tend to share the same positive viewpoints in life.When a bathroom or closet provide the primary view from the bed, pull the curtain, close the door, and enhance the view by displaying a favorite painting or other beautiful items that both partners find very appealing.
According to Essential Feng Shui®, the master bedroom is the sanctuary in your home. It is meant to provide you with a nurturing tranquil atmosphere where you can intimately connect with your partner and be fully restored. Enjoy looking through your Feng Shui eyes to see how you can bring more balance and harmony into your bedroom.
Terah Kathryn Collins is a best-selling author and the founder of the Western School of Feng Shui®. She is also the originator of Essential Feng Shui®, which focuses on the many valuable applications Feng Shui has in our Western culture while honoring the essence of its Eastern heritage.
Her 6 inspirational books on the subject have sold over a million copies worldwide. Terah’s latest book, Western Guide to Feng Shui for Romance is now available.
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Dress For Success: Meet Your Goals With 5 Top Fashion Feng Shui Tips
Feng Shui, the study of how to design your home to enhance your life, can easily be applied to fashion. When we understand how the five elements of Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire are expressed in clothing and accessories, we are able to create dynamic ensembles that specifically support our goals for the day.
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Looking for Mr. Right? Boost your relationship success with these easy feng shui relationship tips! In this article and free audio training, Terah Kathryn Collins interviews author Helen Arabanos on her best feng shui tips for creating lasting romance.
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