More Prosperity Please
Got Prosperity? The Western Guide to Feng Shui For Prosperity by Terah Kathryn Collins can Light Your Way!
Dear Ms. Collins,
My husband and I are reading “The Western Guide to Feng Shui for Prosperity” and we are having such fun applying the principles around our home. We’ve had a very difficult past several years (e.g., health issues, our work not selling, our children having trouble in school, we’re always broke though we live very simply, etc., etc.), so let me tell ya: we are *very* much looking forward to getting the chi flowing around here!!
So I just wanted to thank you for unpacking this Chinese wisdom and positive approach to life for us here in the West– we especially love your affirmations in the back of the book!! Wow!!!
Today we are going out to find some “Wealth & Prosperity” symbols – Wish us luck!
God bless you, Ms. Collins,
Wow D! Thanks for infusing me with the feel-good elixir of your kindred spirit words! ENJOY your shopping spree and please remember to choose enhancements that make your heart sing – choose them from the inside out, versus the outside in!!
Love to you and your family,
Happy Thanks Giving!
During the Thanksgiving holiday most of us will spend time feasting with our family and friends, a time that can be made even more delicious when there’s meaningful conversation around the table. Sometimes we have to help make this happen! You can plant the seed for a great “round-table” conversation with one of the following questions:
What in your life are you especially grateful for?
What is one of your favorite memories from this year?
What do you feel really good about accomplishing this year?
What is making your heart sing these days?
What would you like to bring into your life this coming year?
You may say, “It’s such a blessing to be together, and I’d love for each of us to share what is making our hearts sing these days. I’ll begin!”
Pose just one question to keep it simple and answer it first to give an example. Do your best to make sure that everyone has a turn, gently guiding the conversation back if necessary so that each person has the chance to share. If you notice that everyone is really enjoying connecting like this, you can suggest a second round with a new question.
Such full-circle sharing invites us to talk about what really matters to us. Our hearts open as we listen to each other.There is a point where we don’t just see our tablemates, we feel them. Connect with them. Touched by the words that well up from the depths of experience, we naturally embrace this time with these people, right here, right now, as a one-of-a-kind feast of blessings.
May Your Feast Be Extraordinary!
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle®
In my book The Three Sisters of the Tao™
, I explore the fine art of creating a balanced lifestyle. Like everything else in life, there is no one lifestyle that is right for everyone. We each get to cultivate it from the inside, out! May this taste of The Three Sisters musings about the Tao of Lifestyle™ sweeten your Way….
Bon Appetite!
Terah Kathryn Collins
“Harmony is made from the threads of pleasure you weave into your everyday experiences. The more these threads intricately embellish the matrix of your daily life, the better. Your work, play, and rest are a trinity of influences that each contributes to the tapestry of your life. By honoring them as equals, you balance the synergy of your body and spirit, and restore the natural grace of being a human being.”
Read MoreWebinar: Prosperity
Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance are all around us! Learn how Feng Shui can help you harness these energies throughout your home, your office and your life.
“Be defined by your visions of your future, not by your memories of your past.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza
Download your own Bagua Treasure Map here.
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What they say about the Prac Training
“My Feng Shui business is thriving, thanks to you lovely women.”
– Roberta G., GA
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