The Power of Yin
By Karen Abler-Carrasco
WSFS Mentor & Instructor
The Tao Teh Ching says,
“What is in the end to be shrunken,
Begins by being first stretched out.
What is in the end to be weakened,
Begins by being first made strong.
What is in the end to be thrown down,
Begins by being first set on high.
What is in the end to be despoiled,
Begins by being first richly endowed.
How Beliefs Can Ruin or Transform Your Life
by Kac Young PhD, ND, DCH
WSFS Alumni and Practitioner
All the talk in the New Year about resolutions won’t get you anywhere but disappointed. Statistics show that only 8% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions are successful. Why is that? Are we all losers?
Far from it. There is a definite secret to making changes stick. You can make all the resolutions you want but until you change your beliefs, you will not succeed. The way to change your reality is to change what you believe.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Sister Feng Shui
Feng Shui gathers the wisdom of her Sisters and brings it home. She encourages us to personally craft environmental sanctuaries that can hold our true selves in place. A great enthusiast of comfort, safety, and beauty, she is always looking for ways to give kindness and imagination shelter. Through her influence, our inner and outer worlds become harmonious reflections of each other, resonant chords in a living symphony of sacred space within the greater matrix of community.
Read MoreThe Tao of Lifestyle: Sister I Ching
I Ching views kindness as the heart of the matter. She is fierce in her direction, lest we sink in the dark waters of heartlessness. She tutors us in weaving kindness into every thought, word and action, a practice that circles around to sow all manner of blessings into our lives. She is also a revealer, unveiling the nonphysical world of loving help devoted to our ever-unfolding transformation.
Read MoreFeng Shui Folly: Mastercraft Sink
In Essential Feng Shui®, we live with what we love and we express ourselves. Also, Essential Feng Shui® wants drawers clean and organized; not annoying, irksome, irritating or overwhelming. Does this qualify?
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