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Q & A – Feng Shui & Money Issues

Q. I recently read two of Terah’s books and am trying to enhance my wealth area. The room in the wealth area is my home office and child’s bedroom. I have painted this room purple, placed a money tree on my wealth area of my desk. Below this room is our laundry room, which is not finished. Do I need to enhance it, too? If yes, how? I am having money issues – it seems like money doesn’t want to stay with me. It disappears faster than it arrives. I would appreciate any help.

Thank you, Tejal.

A. Hello Tejal. This is a very common question, and you can find more information here on this blog. In the Search Box above, please type in “money” or “bathroom” and additional information will come right up for you.

In the meantime, please don’t worry about enhancing your laundry room – until it’s finished. That means that the project at the top of your list is finishing that room as soon as possible!! Then, you’ll be able to balance it elementally like you would any bathroom. There are so many drains in these rooms that we often experience money not staying very long: Money down the drains, Flushing money away, Washing my hands of money trouble, etc.

Because Ch’i flows where the eye goes, make sure that the first thing you see in your finished laundry room is not an open drain, but an amazing piece of art that makes you feel prosperous, abundant and vibrant every time you walk by the room. You’re all going to be fine, just keep moving forward.

Liv Kellgren, Programs Director, WSFS


  1. I also am experiencing the same problem, but can’t seem to put a finger on what I’ve done wrong.

  2. Hello,
    I'm a newcomer to Feng Shui, can you help me identfy my wealth area?