Q & A – Feng Shui and Juicy Fruit
Q. A client asked me it if was okay to put a picture of persimmons in her bathroom. The persimmons are the only items in the picture and they go well with the decor. Is there a Feng Shui edit concerning fruit in the bathroom?!? – Teri S.
A. Hi Teri. I’m so glad you asked this question because it reminds me to ask you and your client the Basic Questions for choosing an enhancement for the home or office.
Basic Questions for Choosing an Environmental Enhancement
1. Do I love it?
2. Do I need it?
3. Is it in good repair?
4. Does it support me and my goals, dreams or aspirations?
5. What are the thoughts, associations or memories I have of this object? Are they positive?
If you answered YES to ALL of these questions, then Essential Feng Shui says YES to bringing it into your environment!
Teri, one last question for you. Your client wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t already have a concern. Once you find out what that is specifically, you’ll be able to address her needs directly. So, what are her thoughts, associations and memories about persimmons, that piece of art, or her bathroom?
Let us know what you find out!
Liv Kellgren, Programs Director, WSFS
Isn't that good for the balance of elements as well? The water of the bathroom feeds the wood (plant life) of the vegetables and the vegetables give off a flame color that warms the cool of the bathroom. This sounds right, doesn't it?