by Amanda Gibby Peters, Graduate and Practitioner
october is always a happy month. fall takes the spotlight, standing + delivering the magical abundance of this season’s holiday glitterati. so, before we nestle into our nooks for the sheer delight of it all, how about a few shui tips + tricks to mobilize these good vibes + keep the marvel of it all uninterrupted?
replace burned out bulbs + stock up on light bulbs for the long nights ahead. when lights are left burned out, we lose our own spark. and, honey, that spark matters. light is majorly symbolic of life force — which fuels our ability to connect with others, keeps our courage simmering, and encourages us to live with an open heart. so, step into the light + brighten up your space. illuminated rooms + homes draw real power. how’s that for easy magic?
it’s the time of year where we can quickly feel weighed down from the additional pressures of seasonal gatherings + shopping + daily upkeep. at that same crossroads, we often find ourselves in the attic hauling out boxes of seasonal decor. so, let’s power shui. revisit the attic’s contents while you’re up there + release what you can. a few mindful edits – do i want this? do i need this? – will have good cheer swirling around in a snap. trust me, this one endeavor knows how to shift the holiday frenzy into a season that is more at your leisure + less on your back.
house maintenance is never fun, but these pesky chores can become serious scene stealers if left unattended. so, clean the gutters of debris + dead leaves. leftover foliage represents dead energy sitting on a house — and metaphorically, that is two thumbs down. it’s an afternoon well-spent to clear this space, making sure everything is aligned properly and water can flow easily. oh, did you hear that? your house is exhaling at the thought of hollow gutters. and a happy house equals a better life for you.
you know all those photos on your phone + Instagram? how about a quick rearrangement of familiar framed photos with a few of your latest snapshots? your sweet family + friends’ faces on display will tell the story of good times, and that fresh vitality will get happy-gather-round-vibes bouncing in your home. plus, it gives company + guests a glance at your adventures + celebrations throughout the year. talk about delicious conversation!
while fall is undressing everything outside, it’s all a go-go for feathering our nests inside. look for textures and colors that suggest cozy embraces + comfy gatherings. and while you’re at it, rotate the couch cushions. doing this once a year adds life to your linens + furniture, keeping you from feeling stretched thin and saggy.
BONUS : as fall starts ushering us indoors, take a quick inventory of your wall space. are they empty or filled to the brim? maybe a few walls would LOVE a new layer of paint, or even a cheeky splash of color. whatever is happening at eye level represents RIGHT NOW. so, if the walls are empty, this might suggest a fear of commitment. do you feel a resistance about moving forward in life? hang something that speaks to the life you want. and if the walls are suffocating, you might benefit from a few clear breaths. take everything down, and leave the walls bare for a week. only hang back what you LOVE. in shui, a little here + a little there always adds up to a life you LOVE.