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Jen Boyd – WSFS Marketing Rock Star

Jen Boyd Rock Star Small Business Marketing Consulting

Listen to the Jen Boyd Feng Shui Marketing Rock Star Interview below:

Are you passionate about being a Feng Shui consultant but … 

Your business is suffering from lack of marketing know-how to generate leads, acquire and retain customers?

You have been in business for years, yet still have not generated significant revenue?

Accomplish results that deliver…

Find out the answers and solutions to these questions with our Small Business Marketing Consulting – designed especially for Feng Shui consultant entrepreneurs who seek success and new growth in their business. Here’s what you can expect to accomplish through the program…

  • Leads that turn into customers you keep
  • Customer database, defined target market and customer profile
  • Actionable marketing plan based on financial goals
  • Understanding of marketing tools and how to use them to improve revenue

Learn from an experienced marketing professional who has her own feng shui consultancy with over a decade of corporate marketing experience.

Take the first step at launching your business to the next level …

Schedule your complimentary 30-minute Marketing Assessment phone call today!

Jen Boyd, Consultant, Elements of Harmony Feng Shui, LLC provides marketing consulting for small business entrepreneurs to develop actionable, strategic marketing plans that increase revenue. And, creates balanced living and working environments through a practical, modern viewpoint of feng shui for today’s lifestyle.

Jen has worked for over a decade in senior corporate marketing positions in Park City, Raleigh, Atlanta and Tampa. In 2002, she became a certified practitioner from the Western School of Feng Shui and in 2003 began her professional feng shui career. Jen lives and works in Salt Lake City and Park City, Utah, and consults with clients all over the country.


Contact Information and How to Buy Now!

Jen Boyd, Consultant

Elements of Harmony Feng Shui


or go to the contact page at the Elements of Harmony website and request more info


One Comment

  1. Thank you, Terah, and Jen for an engaging conversation. There is so much to chew on here. You inspire me. AWESOME.

    Namaste, B. J.


  1. Jen Boyd – WSFS Marketing Rock Star | Western School of Feng ShuiCorporate Digital Marketing | Corporate Digital Marketing - [...] here: Jen Boyd – WSFS Marketing Rock Star | Western School of Feng Shui ← (Jobs in Nigeria Today)…