Q & A – From a “Feng Shui Novice”
Dear Terah,
I am a complete Feng Shui novice. I am trying to get as much info as I can and have hit a proverbial bump in the road. Some Feng Shui authorities are stating that if I don’t do the cures, bagua map, etc…correctly I can actually do more harm than good. I don’t want to work with anything that could create dark energy. Is there a dark energy regarding Feng Shui?
Initially I thought Feng Shui would be fantastic in helping me create a cheerful and positive environment, however it seems to be very daunting and I would really like some sound advice. Any advice would be helpful.
Dear Enthusiast,
Thanks for your inquiry!
I’d say everything has a dark side. We keep the Light On at the Western School of Feng Shui by guiding people to feel for themselves what Good Feng Shui is for them. We offer fluid guidelines that give people the opportunity to tune in and decide whether each guideline resonates with them. For instance, one person may sleep well in a bedroom with several mirrors while another person doesn’t. One person may enjoy being surrounded by heirlooms and another finds them oppressive. The list of personal preferences is endless, making it important (in my opinion) to maintain fluidity and respect when guiding people in creating the most supportive, happy-making environment possible for them. Essentially it’s a very personal, Inside-Out process using a plethora of Outside-In suggestions to help individuals create spaces that are “just right” for them.
Learning how to become an Essential Feng Shui Practitioner and how to apply these fluid guidelines is what we teach here at the Western School of Feng Shui. You may be interested in joining us. People have been coming from around the world for our Practitioner Training since 1996.
All of the details are here: http://www.westernschooloffengshui.com/practitioner.php
Know that you are always guided by the Light!
With Every Blessing,
Terah Kathryn Collins