WSFS Rock Star – B.J. Gorman & The Ch’i of Body and Place
B.J. Gorman is a professional Feng Shui consultant, teacher, and lecturer who has been assisting homeowners and businesses for over 13 years. She provides confidential Feng Shui consultations and Space Clearing services using her trademark Space Harmony Feng Shui™ approach.
Rock Star BJ Gorman – 31 mins:
Her mission is to empower you to shift the energy of your environment to support your personal growth and to create positive change in your life.
She’s a Graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui™, certified by Terah Kathryn Collins; Professionally Certified Master Practitioner of Interior Alignment Instinctive Feng Shui™ accredited by Denise Linn; certified by David Daniel Kennedy having completed his Successful Feng Shui Practitioner Mentorship Program, BTB Black Sect Feng Shui Grandmaster Lin Yun Method.
B. J. has been certified by the Lotus Institute of Lillian Garnier in Facial Diagnosis and the Five Element Theory.
She has continued her studies with the Western School of Feng Shui™ Advanced Class, certification by Terah Kathryn Collins; as well as a certified Master Teacher of Interior Alignment™, Denise Linn, Founder, International Institute of Interior Alignment™. B. J. is a Red Ribbon Professional member of the International Feng Shui Guild.
Discover a new dimension to applying the principles of Feng Shui to your life as The Ch’i of Body and Place takes your soul on a journey through the Bagua Map connecting your chakra energies to their power places in your home.
The Ch’i of Body and Place – Buy Now
Thank you for this insight.I feel strongly the correlation of the Chakra’s with the Bagua and have been seeking a correlation that resonates with me. Thank you for the inspiration. I look forward to reading your insights. Much Love Namaste Bridget Saraka
Hi Terah/Bj
Love to purchase BJ’s book, had some issue sending the form off the site. Could you let me know total cost including postage to Austyralia and hoew I can arrange payment? Paypal or Direct Deposit (I’ll need swift code as well as account codes)
Many Thanks!!! Debra xx