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Feng Shui Q & A: Hibiscus Plants-Good, or Bad?

Our friend Beverly asks:

Hibiscus plants are supposed to represent something unpleasant, and are not recommended.  Do you agree with that?


Thanks for the question Beverly! Here is our answer:

If you love it, then it can only bring more love into your space. If you think that it will create something unpleasant, then it probably will. My Grandma LOVES Hibiscus plants and when she visits this part of the world, she can’t believe that they get as huge and as beautiful as they do. To her, they are wonderful. I like them as a greeter – HI-biscus!

Let’s go back to who said “Hibiscus plants are supposed to represent something unpleasant and are not recommended” and their original intention…

But let’s use plumbing is the most straightforward example. I’ve heard some Feng Shui practitioners say “bathrooms are bad.” And yes, in ancient China, when the plumbing went straight down into a river or underground septic stream and small animals would climb up into your house through your toilet – I too might say that they’re “bad.” However, thanks to modern technology, we no longer have that problem. It’s too bad that the moniker stuck.

Back to your example: I would like to know why they think that “Hibiscus are… not recommended” and see if that same situation applies to my goals, dreams, hopes and intentions. Then I’d be able to decide for myself what they represent to me.

Essential Feng Shui® doesn’t follow the Always/Never approach of some Traditional Chinese Feng Shui and Black Hat Feng Shui. Instead, we teach and promote an uplifting, positive relationship that we as individuals have with our environments.