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Feng Shui Q & A: Skylights

A Feng Shui friend asks:

Any suggestions regarding skylights and how to treat them? Are they considered “good” or “bad”?

Skylights are considered “active!” Much like windows, they are more open to the outside world than solid walls or ceilings, so have a more active or Yang energy. A skylight over the bed is much like a window behind the bed- for many people, it doesn’t feel as safe or comfortable as a solid wall or ceiling. The same applies to seating with a skylight directly overhead. Again, it often feels best to locate the seating beneath the security of a solid ceiling overhead, even when there’s a skylight in the room.
As with all Feng Shui suggestions, these are fluid guidelines, not hard and fast rules. Each person is unique and will respond to the presence of skylights in his or her own way. When in doubt, try it out! Your nervous system, your most intimate and accurate guide, will tell you whether it feels right or not.