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Welcome to the Year of the Yin Wood Sheep

By Luckie Bosselman
WSFS Alumna and Practitioner

We will happily say good bye to the year of the Horse on Wednesday, February 18, 2015, and welcome in the more gentle docile Yin Wood Sheep. In the format of Chinese Astrology there are 12 animals, 5 elements and the energies of Yin and Yang. Each year there is a different animal energy in charge, there are two years of the same element (Wood, Water, Fire, Metal or Earth) the first of the two years of elements beings the Yang, which is more forceful and the second year is the more introspective Yin. Print a 5 Element Chart here.

With the Wood Sheep energy there is a feeling of relief.  The Wood Sheep year is a time to heal, regroup, take stock and rejuvenate, after the chaos and excessive energy of 2014 the year of the Horse. This Sheep is gentle, caring and exceptionally creative.  Some words that describe the Sheep are elegant, well-mannered, delicate, artistic, peace-loving, altruistic and malleable, dependent, pessimistic, unpunctual, and insecure.  All animals and people have positive and not so positive words to describe these energies.


Sheep are born under the sign of art. They are imaginative, creative and have a good appreciation of the finer things in life. They have an easy going nature and prefer to live in a relaxed and pressure-free environment. They hate any kind of discord or unpleasantness and do not like to be bound by a strict routine or rigid timetable. The Sheep is not one to be hurried against their will.  These descriptions not only speak to the attitudes and energies of people born in the year of the Sheep (your friends, neighbors and relatives) but to the energies that prevail in the year of the Sheep.


I am nature’s child, fortune smiles upon me. All things bloom in the gentleness of my love. I strive to find beauty in all I behold. I AM THE SHEEP.


Now that we have a peek into the Sheep attitudes and energies, what does the Wood bring into the picture? Like the rings of a tree expanding through the years, so do the energies of Wood.  Wood seeks the opportunities for growth, expansion, ambition, independence and is impatient, branching out whenever possible. It is open, compassionate, and generous. This energy refers to the growing structures, the roots, stems and limbs, it offers the ability to be upright — strong yet flexible.


The Wood element is said to possess high moral standards, consistent growth and renewal. People born in the wood years exhibit these traits and attitudes as well. They are generous, compassionate, always seeking growth opportunities, expanding their minds and moving forward with confidence. They are able to generate support and financial backing for whatever they undertake as the Wood element relates to money.


With all this information about the attitudes and energies of both the Sheep and the Wood, what can we do and expect in 2015?


This year will see a focus on the arts, entertainment and fashion, these are bastions of creative energies. You too may feel the pull to start a painting class, learn guitar or grow that organic garden you have been wanting to start.


The Sheep is a heard animal and as such it longs to be part of a group, be it social, educational, business networking, or building group consensus.


It is a time for re-establishing relationships with family, friends and kindred spirits. Do not be surprised if people from your past begin to show up in your life again. The word for this year is “companioning.” You will see more of it in marketing, like Coke and potato chips, and independent business joining forces to bring their products and messages to a wider and higher visibility.


As Wood is still in charge, energy will pour out, bringing growth and prosperity. Wood is about money, opportunity, abundance, growth, and enterprise. The numerology of the year being an 8, and the Chinese period being an 8, this supports infinite prosperity.


I can hear you asking: How can I move with the energy of this year, what can I do?


Build positive relationships in all areas of your life, enjoy and celebrate the big and small moments. “Companion” yourself with like-minded and high vibrational energy people, which signals the universe of your intentions and in turn it sends more people and opportunities your way.


The Chinese believe in the principle to pay it forward at the beginning of the year, to set the intention to be generous, and to also receive abundance in all forms. Select a charity, animal rescue or cause that holds your heart, and donate to them to feed this energy of prosperity.


In this same attitude they do what I call New Year’s Feng Shui. Before New Year’s Day, they clean everything, release old, broken and unused items and make every effort to pay all their bills.  This clean sweep allows them to leave the old energy of the previous year behind and to start fresh.


All this talk about groups and kindness does not mean this entire year will be like Mary’s Little Lamb. No, at times, some of the energy will be like a stubborn, forceful Ram come down from the mountain with its horns ready for battle.


As I look at the energy of the Flying Star Chinese Astrology, in the center of the Earth chart and the center of the Bagua (Earth), there is the Hostility Star which brings the possibility for anger, disagreements and extreme impatience. To master this Wood energy, I suggest that you wear Fire Element colors (reds) and lots of the Metal Element, which includes the color white, gold jewelry, and other metal items. This will control the energy of the extreme Wood.


Overall, the Sheep year offers hope, possibilities and opportunities for growth and prosperity.


I wish you a year of excellent health, abundant prosperity, rewarding relationships and joy in every corner of your life.


Gung Hay Fat Choi!


To reach Luckie for more information, or to schedule a personal reading:

Ancient Ways Feng Shui


Dall Sheep Ram
Photo by: Suzann Julien
Dall Sheep Ram, Denali National Park, Alaska


  1. Lots of good advice here, Luckie, thank you. I recognize the poem about the sheep, “I am nature’s child…” as coming from Theodora Lau’s book “The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes.” (You have abbreviated it here.) Her work is truly spectacular in its scope, I recommend it to any who wish to carry on further with Chinese astrology. I use it often. Happy New Year!

  2. Thank You Karen for the kind comments. And yes, you are exactly right the “Natures Child” wording is from Theodora’s Lau’s Book , she is one of my favorite authors of Chinese Astrology information. It was a complete over-site and not intentional to leave out the quotes and the acknowledgement of her superb work. Infinite Blessings. Gong Xi Fat Cai

  3. Where does one find out what the element and energy of their birth year was?

    • Hello Lori
      If you e-mail me directly I would be happy to give you the information. Send your day, month and year of birth and the time if you have it.
      Hope you enjoyed this article and infinite blessings for this gentle year.

  4. happy 60th birthday to the wood goat people!

  5. Hello Lori,
    If you e-mail me directly at with your day, month and year of your birth I will be happy to tell you, which one of the 12 animals and one element you were are. I am so pleased this article peeked your interest.

  6. Per,
    I just turned 60 yesterday .

  7. With thanks!


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