Q & A – Feng Shui a Hotel Room
Q: Terah, My family is taking a trip for Summer Vacation. Can we “Feng Shui” our hotel room? E.K., MN
A: Absolutely. Start by asking lots of questions and be specific! Find out where highways and neighbors are around your vacation spot, and what attractions are within easy walking distance. Consider how far or near you’d like to be to noise-makers such as restaurants, bars, pools, ice and soda machines, elevators, and so on. Along with finding out about bed size and amenities, ask if the windows can open and what the view is from them.
Don’t be shy about letting your host know what your special needs are so they can choose the best room for you. And, sometimes you may not get the perfect room. Whatever the circumstance, it’s smart to travel with an Essential Feng Shui travel kit of your own making that can include naturally scented candles, favorite images and photographs (I bring several gorgeous greeting cards to beautify the space), a scarf or two to cover eyesores, and any other travel-worthy objects that can make your room a home. These little touches can transform a space from grim and drab, to warm and welcoming.
Bon Voyage!