Essential Stories: A New Compass
Hello WSFS!
I’m happy to report that A. found a job! It came about through a series of “coincidences” shortly after we changed the photograph in the bathroom from the sailboat to the anchor, and installed the compass in the career area!
I initially thought it took longer than I expected but after talking with A. about how he found this job I came to realize that the process actually began right after we implemented the changes to the Career area.
Things had seemed to be going slowly after the Career area changes so I made additional tweaks in the Helpful People area (added the statue of an angel) and changed the color of a candle in the Prosperity area to purple. I also swapped out a plant for a fountain on a part of the balcony that sits in the Prosperity area.
After those tweaks the process of the job interviews etc. sped up considerably.
Another change helped with the overall situation. There was a lot of stress due to his job search and while our marriage was good – we were suffering from the stress. I moved a garden stone that reads HARMONY on it near the fountain. While the fountain is in the Prosperity area, it was the Love and Marriage corner of the balcony itself.
Almost immediately, I felt calmer about the job situation. A peacefulness came over me and a lot of the stress disappeared. Honestly, our relationship is probably better than it’s been in years.
I changed our garden around and noticed a dramatic improvement in a health challenge I was facing. Once again, a series of coincidences enabled me to identify a problem and I’m feeling healthier than I have in years.
I moved copies of my books into the Career area where I display them prominently. Beginning a couple of weeks later, I noticed that the energy I have for writing increased. I recently published a new book, am about to publish a second, and am starting a third. Again, I haven’t had this much energy to focus on writing in years.
We wrestled briefly with a fish tank that was too green – but finally managed to figure out the problem and now it’s crystal clear again. It was funny because both A. and I knew this was terrible Feng Shui energy but we couldn’t figure out the problem. A visit to the pet store and the purchase of a vacuum to clean the rocks did the trick.
I will be taking more classes with WSFS in the near future. I feel a real connection with the principles of Feng Shui, especially having seen them at work in my life for decades.
The one idea that affected my life more than any other was the idea that the objects that are around us are constantly “chatting” at us. I read this in Terah’s book The Western Guide to Feng Shui Room by Room and it forever changed my life. I looked around and saw statues and paintings and other objects in my home in a whole new light. Who had given them to me and under what circumstances? Did they reflect who I was then or at some time in the distant past?
I continue to use that as my compass. I look around and evaluate whether the objects around me reflect who I am and bring positive feelings.
I have to tell you, I felt more empowered to help A. in his job search while going through this course. In using what I learned to make changes and enhancing various areas I helped all of us feel as if we were moving in the right direction. It gave us hope during a very difficult and scary time.
I’m curious to see how my own career progresses.
Thank you for all your help! And your work!
Have a great day! Elizabeth Maxim, Ph.D.