Power Objects Grow Our Love
Everyone wants freedom. Freedom from the outer-world strains of job pressures, relationship difficulties, financial issues or health concerns. Freedom from inner-world feelings of insecurity or oppression. In many people, it is a combination of these desires. Whatever the case or whatever the mental stressors; what every soul longs for is freedom to experience love—to love and be loved.
Creating a vibrant sanctuary, both inside and out, is a nourishing way to bring more love into our life. As we pay attention to our inner sanctuary, we bring awareness to fear-based conditioning and grow the brilliant heart powers that naturally make loving choices. As we create loving intentions in our outer environment, we amp up the power of love in our life.
One of the ways I support my clients in growing a life filled with love and freedom is to have them create a power object for each room of their home. A power object could be something you make or buy, or it may be something you already have. What gives this object power is your intention to have it carry a message for you. Each time you see this object you are reminded of the message you intend to grow inside of yourself. Your outer reflection is the great mirror to awaken your inner state.
I have a large circular jade stone hanging in my office and its message is, “I am whole and complete the way I am.” Another message that shines brightly in my kitchen is a special cook book that communicates my intention to remember, “I am healthy and vital.” I have a client who placed a statue of Saraswati, goddess of wisdom, on her desk to support the book she is writing.
Power objects are energy cues that reflect the messages you choose to amplify in your awareness. They are a potent way to influence your life in an intentional and positive way.
When clients work with me to Raise Their State, I help them get clear on what they want to bring forth in their life. Whether they want to bring some additional lightness into their life, or take a deeper dive into clearing patterns that keep them stressed or stuck, I work with their inner and outer sanctuary. We use clarity, intention and power objects to raise the state of their life.
For those who are interested in personal growth, I invite you to join me on a power journey to one of the sacred sites of the world. My next journey is to the Pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico, Sept 19-24.
This mystical land was built as a spiritual university over 2000 years ago and is known as the “Land where humans awaken to know God.”
Victoria Allen
Skype and phone consultations available.